7. The Dream Goes Down

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In Priya's Dream
Raju -

Oh, my darling love, I'll always be true
From the bottom of my heart, this I swear to you
No matter what life brings and where it may take me
My love for you will never cease to be

Your beauty is like a bright light in the night
You fill my heart with love and make everything right
And when I'm with you I just can't help but smile
For your love is a gentle and beautiful trial

I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you
My life would be empty and so very blue
But I am here forever and nothing can change that
Our love will remain strong, no matter the battles we have to face

My love for you is pure and so tender
It's something that no one can ever render
And I will love you for eternity
As long as there is breath in me.

She wakes up
Why dont you come in front of me Raju?
I Cant Priya, But one day i'll sure.
Priya who killed me you got it but who told to kill me find them!

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