Chapter 35

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Nialls P.O.V

Autumn has finally passed out from all the candy and coffee she’d had. Me and Mel were kinda happy, earning partial silence until the twins woke us up. I usually got up and waited till they went back to sleep, unless there were hungry, that was Mels job.

I quietly played with her soft, long blonde hair as she slept. We were in the twins’ room, sitting on the couch. I was unable to fall back asleep, so I studied the room. Green and blue walls, altering on the walls, it had little stickers everywhere.

This was truly a boys room. In each corner there was a black crib, with a sleeping baby placed gently inside the middle, with their elephant or giraffe blankets.

There we lights in the ceiling scattered everywhere, and some placed on the wall, dimly lighting it, only having a small glow. It had darker hard wood, the type where if you sat on the couch to fast, it’d slide. It was super shiny which I loved.

Being one of the bigger rooms it had a whole wall covered in a window, sliding glass doors, and a small balcony, with stairs leading down to the back patio. We had all talked about moving out, and who would get this house.

Seeing that me and Mel had formed a connection here, we got it. No one really refused, probably because they didn’t want to clean this 17 bedroom, 15 bath mansion. I honestly love the size, because I want a larger family. Not that big that every room was filled, but maybe 4.

We can always use the spare rooms for guests seeing I have a larger family, and a larger chain of annoying people I call my best friends, and band mates, one soon to be my sister in law.

Back to the room, it had small monkey shaped carpets everywhere and Zayn even put some borders everywhere. There are 2 rocking chairs beside each crib, and 2 changing tables beside each other in the middle. On the other side were 2 little bouncing chairs, and 2 play pins. I can’t believe having twins, means having to buy 2 of everything, but I’ll be sure to buy anything for the twins.

I felt my eyelids slowly close, letting me slip into dreamless sleep.

Melodys P.O.V

Niall looked so peaceful sleeping, so I didn’t wake him, I got Liam to carry him to the bed.

“So, this house stuff. I know you’ll want us out soon,” Liam said as him and I walked back downstairs.

“I really love having all my best friends around, but with 8 other people here, it makes it hectic.
 I frowned.

“I now, there’s 12 people living here now, plus I think I’d like to buy a home just for me. One I can come home to after going to the gym.”

“Yeah, I think everyone does, and no one wants a big house like this, and the babies will probably wake everyone up too. And then Autumns twins will be up here too.” I remembered there’s only 1 room left on the 2nd floor.

Niall and I had talked about when everyone moves out, where we could put our new room. We finally decided that the top floor would be best, so the kids’ could have the whole 2nd floor, but only after these twins are older.

“Well, I’m going to check on the twins, could you hold this in case they start crying?” I asked Liam, handing him the yellow and blue baby monitor.  I walked back upstairs, and saw Adam asleep and Trayton asleep, thank god.

I went into my room and saw Niall spread across the bed cuddling one of the stuffed toys. I smiled at him and went to the bathroom, taking a quick shower.

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