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          "What have you done?" A shaken voice came from above. The multicolored she cat swung her head up, blood splattered across her muzzle and water dripping from her fur. The she-cat's eyes went wide with fear as she ran towards the rocks that the witness stood on. Fearing for his life, the tom turned tail and sprinted into the woods.
          "Huntjump! Stop!" Her voice came pleading and pitiful. Huntjump flattened his ears shaking his head. He felt claws meet his shoulders as he was pinned down,
"Huntjump! Listen to me! This... this isn't what it looks like!" She was panting heavily and whimpering softly,
          "You killed H-" the tom was cut off by a paw shoving his mouth shut. He grunted as he realized his neck was fully exposed to the she-cat. He swallowed hard as the mollie looked around and hunched low over Huntjump. A group of cats ran past just on the other side of the bushes. Her breathing had stopped despite the screaming in her lungs.

          Once the cats were further away, the feline looked back down at the tom,
          "Now I'm going to let go and you can't scream." She said gently and flicked her ears back, "Please. You know me, please." She begged softly. Huntjump blinked before nodding in his very limited restraint. The female slowly released the push she had on his chin. Huntjump lifted his head, adjusting his jaw swiftly before his back paws kicked the mollie's back legs out from under her. The tom then rolled them so he had her pinned.
          "StarClan forgive me." He said as he rose a paw and his claws slid out. The she-cat widened her eyes, her vulnerability clearer than the air around them. She swiftly closed her eyes as the blow was swung at her,
          "StarClan forgive him..." she whispered, accepting her fate. The blow came but it was blunt. A yowl sounded as the she-cat's eyes flew open and she turned to see a black she-cat wrestling down Huntjump. The curls in her fur set her apart from than any cat in the clan, "Blackfoot!"
          "I've got him!" The massive she-cat slammed Huntjump down sharply and the tom let out a pained squeal as the air left his lungs and struggled to come back. Blackfoot looked back at the shaken-up younger cat, "Are you okay? StarClan I'm glad I came when I did, what happened?"
          Speaking far faster than her brain was moving, fear-filled words fell from her maw as if she wasn't herself. Words she could never take back,
          "Him! It's him! He's been killing all of the cats we found at the beaver dam! All of them! He tried to make me one of them too!" She shook with fear. Blackfoot's eyes widened and she looked down at Huntjump. The tom's own eyes widened and filled with nothing but rage and betrayal. Ironic how seconds before he was about to kill her and he felt betrayed. Blackfoot snarled and sunk her claws into Huntjump's side and face, she spat on his muzzle.

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