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     "What?" Corpsepaw's voice faltered, her stomach lurching sickeningly as the weight of his revelation settled upon her

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"What?" Corpsepaw's voice faltered, her stomach lurching sickeningly as the weight of his revelation settled upon her. She felt as though the ground had been ripped out from beneath her, leaving her adrift in a sea of moral ambiguity and despair. The very essence of her being recoiled at the notion of taking a life, and yet she found herself confronted with the stark reality of her destiny. Betrayal clawed at her heart as she grappled with the implications of Flitpetal's words. She had never imagined that her path as a medicine cat would lead her down such a dark and treacherous road. The trust she had placed in her mentors and guides now felt like a cruel deception, leaving her feeling sickened and alone in a world fraught with uncertainty and moral ambiguity. Flitpetal's words cut through the air like a chilling wind, each syllable weighing heavy on Corpsepaw's heart as she struggled to comprehend the magnitude of what was being asked of her. The world seemed to spin around her, the ground beneath her feet shifting and unsteady as she grappled with the horrifying reality unfolding before her,
"You will be given tasks to complete. These tasks are to kill cats we instruct you to," Flitpetal continued, his tone devoid of empathy or remorse as he laid bare the sinister truth of her destiny. Corpsepaw's breath caught in her throat, her chest tightening with panic as she felt the walls closing in around her. Her mind raced with a thousand questions, each more terrifying than the last, but Flitpetal pressed on, indifferent to the turmoil raging within her,
"These cats are specifically chosen because they either breed chaos in their bloodline, or are the chaos themselves," he explained, his words sending a chill down Corpsepaw's spine as she recoiled from the implications of his revelation. She felt as though she were drowning in a sea of darkness, her every instinct screaming at her to run, to escape the nightmare unfolding before her. But she was rooted to the spot, paralyzed by fear and disbelief as she stared into the abyss of her own despair. In that moment, she realized that she was truly alone, with nothing but pure and raw terror reflected in her wide, frightened eyes.

Flitpetal's callous words hung in the air like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over Corpsepaw's fragile state of mind. Each syllable cut through her like a claw, leaving behind wounds that throbbed with pain and disbelief,
"These cats will die to your claws and the clans will never have to face a plight again," he declared, his voice devoid of remorse or compassion, as if he were discussing nothing more than the weather. But to Corpsepaw, his words were a death sentence, a cruel twist of fate that threatened to consume her whole. The weight of Flitpetal's command bore down on her like a leaden weight, crushing her spirit and suffocating her with its grip. How could she, a newly made medicine cat apprentice, be expected to take the lives of others? The very thought turned her stomach, filling her with a sickening sense of dread and despair.
A ferocious snarl shattered the oppressive silence, drawing Corpsepaw's gaze to Doedream, who stood over her with a fierce determination burning in her eyes,
"Stop it! She's barely processing a word you're saying!" Doedream's voice rang out like a clarion call, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness that threatened to engulf them all. Doedream wrapped Corpsepaw in a protective embrace as she struggled to make sense of the nightmare unfolding before her. Corpsepaw clung to Doedream's presence like a lifeline, her heart pounding in her chest as she sought solace in the warmth of her touch.

Solace would not be found as Cougarstar, irritated with the behavior of Doedream, shoved Doedream aside and advanced towards her with menacing intent. Before she could react, he tackled her to the ground, pinning her beneath his weight with a force that knocked the breath from her lungs. With his nose mere inches from hers, his eyes bore into hers with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine,
"Do you understand everything that's been said?" he snarled, his voice dripping with contempt and malice. Corpsepaw felt a cold dread settle in the pit of her stomach as she struggled to find her voice amidst the overwhelming fear that threatened to consume her whole. She nodded frantically, her breath coming in shallow gasps as she whimpered out a pitiful plea,
"Yes! Please, please I don't want this though!" Her voice trembled with desperation, the weight of her fear pressing down on her like a suffocating blanket. But even as she pleaded for mercy, she knew deep down that her words would fall on deaf ears, that Cougarstar's ruthless determination would brook no resistance. As the gravity of her situation sank in, Corpsepaw felt a sense of helplessness wash over her, a crushing realization that she was powerless to escape the cruel fate that awaited her. This sadness then turned into rage. Corpsepaw felt this surge of anger rise within her at Cougarstar's callous words, his harsh tone cutting through her like a knife. How could he justify such brutality in the name of the greater good? Her mind reeled with disbelief and outrage, but she knew better than to voice her dissent in the face of such overwhelming power,
"Don't be selfish! This is for the good of the clans!" Cougarstar snapped, his voice dripping with disdain and contempt. "This is so no cats ever lay harm to the clans again. If you do not do this, innocent cats will suffer. Kits will die. Do you understand?" His words hung heavy in the air, each syllable laced with a cruel inevitability that sent a chill down Corpsepaw's spine. She bit back a retort, her claws threatening to slide out and hook into his shoulders. She fought to contain the raging storm of emotions threatening to consume her. How could she stand idly by and allow such atrocities to be committed in the name of peace? But as she glanced up at Cougarstar's menacing form towering over her, she knew that resistance was futile, that any defiance would only invite further punishment and suffering. With a heavy heart, Corpsepaw nodded silently, her eyes closing as she struggled to come to terms with the grim reality of her situation. Deep down, she knew that she had no choice but to comply with Cougarstar's demands, no matter how much it tore her apart inside. For the sake of the clans, for the sake of innocent lives, she would bear the burden of this terrible fate, even if it meant sacrificing her own soul in the process.

Doedream flattened her ears as she was cast aside by Cougarstar. The tom was too rough with his approach and it angered her. She could feel the rage bubbling up inside her, a fierce maternal instinct urging her to protect the young apprentice from further harm. But she knew that any outward display of defiance would only bring more suffering down upon them both. Flattening her ears in submission, Doedream suppressed her anger and forced herself to remain calm in the face of Cougarstar's brutality. She clenched her jaw tightly, her muscles tensing as she fought to keep her emotions in check. As Cougarstar released Corpsepaw and settled back into his imposing stance, Doedream's gaze remained fixed on him, her eyes burning with a silent fury that dared not be unleashed. She vowed to herself that she would watch over Corpsepaw with unwavering dedication, to shield her from the darkness that threatened to consume her soul,
"Then awaken. Doedream will be at your side," Cougarstar commanded, his voice dripping with menace as he looked at Doedream. She bristled at the implied threat, her claws flexing involuntarily against the ground, "permanently. Only you will be able to see her. Go. If you break your oath in any way, your soul will be cast to the muck in the dark forest." Her heart heavy with sorrow and anger, Corpsepaw nodded in silent acquiescence, her gaze never leaving the starry ground. Doedream came back to Corpsepaw's side and touched her nose to her head. She would do whatever it took to protect the young apprentice, even if it meant defying Cougarstar and facing the consequences of her actions. With that touch, Corpsepaw jolted awake in the Starlit Pool.

.·:*¨༺ 🩸 ༻¨*:·.

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