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     "Why me?" Corpsepaw's voice trembled as she gazed up at the tom-cat, searching his eyes for answers

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"Why me?" Corpsepaw's voice trembled as she gazed up at the tom-cat, searching his eyes for answers. But the depths of his gaze revealed nothing, sending a chill down her spine that made her blood run cold,
     "It's been written in the stars," the cat replied solemnly, his voice carrying the weight of destiny. "A cat with blood spots and the night sky in her pelt, born dead only to live again, is destined to lead the clans to eternal safety." He continued to explain the intricacies of the prophecy, each word sinking deeper into Corpsepaw's consciousness like an anchor.
     "But that still doesn't tell me why me," Corpsepaw insisted, her voice tinged with uncertainty,
     "Don't question what's written in the stars, kit," the big cat growled, his tone leaving no room for argument. Corpsepaw flinched and closed her mouth tightly, nodding in submission as she lowered her ears, "You have been tasked with ensuring the safety of not only your clan, but all of the clans," the cat continued, his words carrying a sense of urgency. "You will be given a set of tasks."
     "Tasks?" Corpsepaw's curiosity got the better of her, but the cat's response was swift and sharp.
     "There is a list... of tasks," he replied vaguely, his tone brooking no further questions. Corpsepaw swallowed hard, feeling a sense of foreboding settle over her like a dark cloud. But despite the uncertainty of what lay ahead, she felt a flicker of determination stirring within her, "Now, as part of this prophecy, we need something from you. An oath," the cat declared, his voice ringing with authority. Corpsepaw listened intently as he outlined the terms of the oath, her heart sinking with each word,
     "An oath that will bind you for as long as you live," the cat continued, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. "Do you, Corpsepaw, swear to never tell a living soul what we have tasked you with?" Corpsepaw felt the weight of the oath bearing down on her, the gravity of the moment pressing in from all sides. She swallowed hard, meeting the tom's gaze with a mixture of fear and resolve,
     "I swear," she whispered, her voice barely more than a breath. The stars in his pelt began to glow brighter and the grass around them shimmered with celestial light. The blades around them seemed to hum with energy, the vibrant strands vibrating with anticipation as Corpsepaw uttered her oath. Then, without warning, a sudden gust of wind swept across the starry moors, whipping through the tall grass and sending waves of shimmering light cascading across the landscape.
     Corpsepaw felt the rush of wind against her fur, its icy touch sending a shiver down her spine. It was as though the very air itself was responding to the solemnity of the moment, carrying with it the weight of her oath and the gravity of her destiny. As the wind subsided, leaving behind a stillness that seemed to echo with the echoes of her oath, Corpsepaw couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted within her.

After her oath was sealed, the tom finally introduced himself, "My name is Cougarstar," the massive tom declared, his voice resonating with authority and power. "I am the one who has bestowed this prophecy onto you. You were chosen by the stars, by me." Corpsepaw nodded meekly, her gaze fixed on the imposing figure before her. Cougarstar's presence was overwhelming, his stature and demeanor commanding respect and reverence. As he spoke, the weight of his words settled upon Corpsepaw like a heavy cloak, filling her with a sense of awe and apprehension. In the presence of such a formidable tom, Corpsepaw felt small and insignificant, dwarfed by his immense presence and the magnitude of the destiny he had laid before her.
Beside Cougarstar emerged a skinny-looking black cat, whose intense gaze seemed to pierce through Corpsepaw's very soul,
"I am Flitpetal, the one who creates your tasks," he announced, his voice carrying a weight that matched his solemn expression. Corpsepaw's heart skipped a beat as Flitpetal appeared, his sudden presence catching her off guard. She couldn't help but feel a shiver run down her spine as his penetrating gaze seemed to bore into her, as if he could see every thought and emotion swirling within her mind. With a sense of unease gnawing at her insides, Corpsepaw dipped her head respectfully, acknowledging Flitpetal's role in shaping her destiny.
Finally, a tall and sleek tan she-cat appeared on the other side of Cougarstar, her presence exuding warmth and reassurance. With a kind smile and a patient gleam in her eyes, she sat down gracefully and wrapped her tail around her body in a comforting gesture,
"My name is Doedream. I will be your guide," she announced, her voice gentle yet resolute. "I'll be at your beck and call, watching over you, and aiding you in your journey." Corpsepaw felt a wave of calm wash over her at the mere presence of Doedream. There was something about the she-cat's demeanor that instantly put her at ease, as if she were surrounded by a protective aura that shielded her from the uncertainties and fears swirling within her mind, "Do you have any questions?" Doedream asked, her gentle eyes reflecting a deep well of patience and understanding as she crouched down to Corpsepaw's height. Despite the irritated scoff that came from Cougarstar, she paid him no mind. He could deny questions all he wanted, but Doedream was Corpsepaw's guild, not him. Corpsepaw flicked her ears, indicating her thoughtful consideration of the matter. As she pondered, a myriad of questions danced through her mind like leaves caught in a gentle breeze. She hesitated, unsure of where to begin amidst the overwhelming magnitude of her newfound responsibilities. Yet, she knew that she couldn't let this opportunity slip away without seeking clarity on the path that lay ahead.
Soon, Corpsepaw lifted her gaze to meet Doedream's patient gaze,
"Yes, I do have some questions," she began tentatively. "Firstly, how will I know when I have completed a task? And what happens if I fail to fulfill my duties?" Her voice wavered slightly, betraying the underlying anxiety that gnawed at her confidence. Doedream's smile remained unwavering as she listened attentively to Corpsepaw's inquiries. "When you complete a task, I will come to you. You will also have a feeling inside you, a feeling of accomplishment deep within your heart," she explained gently. "And if you should falter along the way, know that we are here to guide and support you. Failure is not the end, but rather an opportunity for growth and learning." Corpsepaw nodded, her mind processing Doedream's words with a mixture of relief and determination,
"I really can't tell a soul?" she asked, her voice tinged with a hint of desperation. "What about my mentor? She's a good cat, a medicine cat. Shouldn't she know?" The words spilled forth from Corpsepaw's lips, laden with uncertainty and a deep-seated need for clarity. A low growl emanated from Cougarstar as he rose to his feet, his imposing figure casting a shadow over the group,
"No," he declared firmly, his voice brooking no argument. "What you have to do should not be known to any cat." Doedream shot a cold glare at Cougarstar, her eyes flashing with disapproval at his harsh tone. She understood Corpsepaw's dilemma and sympathized with her plight. Despite Cougarstar's authority, Doedream replied with a calmer approach,
"Corpsepaw," she began, her tone gentle yet firm. "Your mentor is indeed a trusted companion, but there are some secrets that must be kept even from those closest to us. Trust in the guidance of StarClan and your guild, and know that we will support you every step of the way." Corpsepaw nodded, though a knot of uncertainty still lingered in her chest. She then furrowed her brow,
"What do I need to do?" she asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty as she sought clarification on the extent of her responsibilities. Flitpetal's reply sent a shiver down her spine, his words like a dagger piercing her heart,
"First, you must continue to hone your skills as a medicine cat," he began, his tone solemn. "You must be ready for whatever challenges come your way. But there is more to your destiny than simply healing the sick and wounded." Corpsepaw listened intently, her breath caught in her throat as she awaited his next words. But when they came, they struck her like a thunderbolt, leaving her reeling with disbelief and horror,
"You have to kill," Flitpetal finished.

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