Chapter 4:Confusion

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When I woke up in the morning I slowly got up out of bed wondering what can today be holding for me , I yawned and stretched to go get some breakfast at the village I was still in a mood where I didn't wanna be bothered but I was curious to see how Aa'kiem was holding up. When I got to the village it was a little emptier then I expected everything just felt off to see ever since last night in the forest from seeing weird shadows people getting killed in front of me ..sounded more of like another Navi clan because it sure couldn't be the RDA .When I walked over to the table to pick out a breakfast sandwich I didn't see K'orra or Y/N anywhere ..they must've been having girl time .
Spider Aa'kiem doing alright ?

Loak-I don't know ..I haven't checked on him yet..

Spider -Damn..I hope he pulls through

Loak-Me was a crazy night

Spider -Because of the Y'know?

Loak-No bro it wasn't just felt so ..out of place and creepy ..we were on unknown hunting grounds that clearly was shown to be the wrong one ,I saw our new clan member get shot in the chest with in arrow bro ..right in front of me ..and found a note saying to stay off of our hunting grounds like what the hell..

Spider -Did you tell your dad in case he tried to go back?..

Loak-No..he's probably not even gonna believe me

Spider-Well you have the note still don't you?

I felt around in my pouch for it and noticed it wasn't their

Loak-Damnit! must've fell when I was carrying the animals back to get everyone out ...shit!

Spider -This is just crazy bro's like ever since Neteyam left things got kinda iffy

Loak-How? He took Shañti with him..I'm sure they have a family by now doing their own thing ..

Spider -what about Y/N? Have y'all made up yet

Loak-No..we got into it again last night

Spider -Ugh! Y'all two are stubborn

Loak-I simply told her I wanted space right now before getting back into our relationship..I can't have time to myself ?

Spider-I didn't say you couldn't ..but I know she really loves you Y'know she can't stand being left alone

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