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The void

Cale didn't know where he was.

He remembers stabbing the White Radish and then the latter exploding a dead mana bomb before dying.

So, is he dead?

Is that the reason why he is surrounded by nothing?

Is this the after life?

Cale, then starts to think about his family. Choi Han, Ron, Eruhaben-nim, Hyung-nim, the kids...

I hope they are okay and that they don't end up destroying the world...

At least, in here, it seems that I will be able to have my slacker life...

But, just as Cale was thinking about his slacker life, a familiar voice is heard.

"My child."

That bastard, what is he doing here?

But, before he could answer to the God of Death, he continues to talk.

"I hear your thoughts you know?" The god sighs. "This could be known as the after life, so obviously as the God of Death, I can appear here."

So, am I really dead?

If he heard his thoughts, then he didn't even have to talk, right?

"Yes and no. You died, but we, the gods, decided to give you another chance." But, the GoD was leaving something out. The reason that the gods decided to give another chance to Cale, was because Cale's family had gone crazy in their world, so they decided to resurrect him.

What's the catch?

Obviously Cale knew that something like this couldn't be true, unless there was something more.

"We can't resurrect you nor reincarnate you in the same world, so you will have to reincarnate in another world." Cale's family already knew about that, but they were happy if Cale at least was alive and the gods had already promised them to update them about Cale's new live, they even said that in the future they would be able to watch him and talk with him.


"So, do you accept?"

Cale thought a bit, being in another world without his family will be hard, but he knew that even if he could have his slacker life where he was now, being alone in all this darkness would make him go crazy, so he decided to accept.

I accept.

"Then, I will send you now. When you arrive in that other world, you will probably be surprised. Also, you won't be able to use your ancient powers nor hear them for some time and you will also find your spatial pouch with some of your things." The GoD didn't want to tell Cale about the apocalypse that would happen in the world where he was going, but he also knew that his new brother would make him exercise a bit, so he will be fine. 'Even if neither of the brothers know about the apocalypse, they are strong and will recover their powers from before.'

Cale thought about it and came to one conclusion, if he couldn't use his ancient powers from the moment that he arrives in the other world, that would mean that he was going to a normal world without powers. Which means that he would be able to achieve his slacker life.

Cale nods at his thought and then turns to where the voice of the GoD was coming from.

"Will you send me now?" Cale finally had talked, he was really getting tired from waiting for the god to do something.

"Yes, you will go right now." The god snaps his fingers and suddenly Cale was nowhere to be found, then he remembered something. 'Should I have told him that once he accepted the deal he would became my saint?'

Yes, that's right. Cale was now the GoD's saint and he wouldn't even know about it until the apocalypse starts, which would happen in 9 years.

Seoul, South Korea

In a hospital room where there are two redheads sleeping, each one in a different bed, one of the redheads suddenly wakes up. This redhead being Cale Henituse, his name being the same even if this was his new life in another world.

Cale looks around, seeing that he was in a hospital, until his eyes stops in the only other bed in the room, where the other redhead was sleeping.

"So, this is what that bastard meant when he said that I would be surprised." Cale mutters while watching the child form of his past life's enemy, White Star or also known as Cale Barrow.

What Cale didn't know was that now Cale Barrow was Barrow Henituse, the older brother of Cale Henituse.

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