C 17

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(I deleted the picture cause it sucked)

Say hello to this five second abomination.  I made their song and this was the cover, but the song sounded like trash cause I used garage band and my phone to record everything.  If you really are curious about what the song sounded like, or how bad this abomination of a garage band project, comment here: I'll send you a link to the video in a reply.  I'm probably gonna redue it and post it in a later chapter. The reason why the beans in the picture look small is because they are.  This is pre-trauma for lust, mid trauma- wait naw scratch that.  This is beginning trauma for Horror.  I LOVe PUTTING CHARACTERS IN PLaCES IN WHICh THEY SUFFER!

I ran out onto the beach. I felt the sand get stuck on my bare feet. Right at sunset.
I looked behind me to make sure that no one was watching me. I tapped the water twice making it ripple for a few seconds before it eased out again. The light seeped into the cove. A little hideaway. Just for me and him.

Just as the ripples in the water were beginning to cease, they began to start up again, grabbing my attention. A little white rock emerged from the disturbance and slowly rose, fully revealing its self.

"I thought you'd be late again." It said. His purple eyes lit up the cove after the sun was gone.

"Sorry. I got... distracted." I replied, reminding myself of the pain in my head. Hopefully he couldn't see. He can't. Not until it's healed.

If it ever does.

I tried scratching my head, but immediately flinched away remembering the injury.
Unluckily, he noticed my flinch and looked up. He instantly gasped.

"Horror! Sweety! What happened?!" Lust exclaimed. I tried backing away. Not him too! Ever since a month or two ago, I've been getting weird stares because of it. I wish he didn't notice.

He pulled me into the water. Lust told me that they weren't allowed to have any interaction with the land goers. Talking to me was enough. He didn't want to get out too.

I let out a short squeak before the water submerged me. I tried swimming back up to not let him see it, but naturally I failed. He pulled me back down engulfing me into a hug and humming our shared melody we made.

"In a world full of secrets

In a place full of song.

You are my everything.

With you is where I belong.

Destiny will guide you.

Fate will seal you a way.

No matter what our end is,

We'll always be together for one more day.

The birds sing, right as the moon falls,

And the night time ends

As soon as it hears the bird's call.

I will always be here for you.

At the end of it all.

Just know nothing will stop me

From tearing down your walls.

Let the light guide you

But don't go too far away.

Cause I just want to be here with you

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