Chappy 10

372 10 14


Before the group of peculiar skeletons walked away, (I'm not gonna bother stating the obvious.) I locked eyes with the blacked boned one. We immediately looked away in a blush of embarrassment before he walked out of view, probably to never be seen again. 
Everyone gave each other 'that' look.  The look that says: "Let's not talk about this now- or ever."

We all just went our own ways to find a way to cope until we (hopefully) eventually get over it. I went into my sleeping quarters and dig out my paint supplies and began painting.

The 'Skeleton' I saw, who was presumably named 'Error' has peaked my interest. Such a strange sight- other than the Siren that was holding Cross captive. He was blacked boned, and had beautiful markings on his eyes. I had to remember every detail! I may not have the best memory, but that's because it's filled up with more important things, like this!

I took out a pencil and started to sketch.  I decided to do a classic eye close up drawing of the skeleton I saw earlier.  It was really fun to draw!  It almost made me forget about why he was there in the first place!  Oh- uh.  F-

✨1 day lator✨

Blue POV

I temporarily stopped organizing our supplies to hear the voices above deck. 

"LAND!  ABOUT 9 MILES OUT!"  Geno's voice cut through the deck. 

"YOU HEARD HIM!  EVERYONE UP HERE TO PREPARE TO DOCK!"  Cross yelled so everyone could hear him.  I finished up putting a crate in the right spot, and putting down my clip board.  I went up stairs above deck to see everyone surrounding Cross. 

"Ok.  Is everyone here now?"  We all nodded paying attention to Cross, waiting for him to tell us the plan.  It's kinda like tradition now.  He calls us all to prepare to dock, tells us the plan for the raid, we take a drink for good luck, execute said plan, then see how much we can drink before we pass out.  (I always end up winning).  It's nice to feel something familiar after yesterday's fiasco. 

"Good, now we can start.  So, for the first day, we'll just be traders looking to trade.  In reality we'll be looking for valuables in the open.  We will trade if we choose, you guys can also look around the shops and get anything you think we won't be able to get during our raid."  We all gave each other excited glances.  It's time to go shopping!  Raids are fun and all, but sometimes, you just need that 'Mean Girls' vibe.  Ya know?  I think Cross and Epic know, cause they look a little excited themselves. 

I put my hands over my mouth to suppress my squeal.

The crew scurries around to get ready to dock, hiding any evidence we are pirates and what not.

Eventually we make it to shore, Cross steps out of the boat first and talks with the dock patrol. After a very long 5 minutes he comes back up.

"Come back at sundown! Don't be late- unless you wanna miss the 2nd part of the plan." Cross winks at us, my soul practically vibrates with excitement.

"Have fun! See y'a guys!" Cross sent us off on our way.

I skipped down the town's path, taking in the nice feeling of land. The smell of baked goods, the chatter of people- it was so refreshing.
I stopped by a bunny monster to get some cinnamon rolls for my crew, chocolate for Captain, and then some new boots.

When I fell in the water a few days ago, I lost my boots. In fact, I'm wearing Geno's right now. Closest size that fits mine- but the boots are still a little small. I also feel bad for taking his boots. Sure, I could steal some later during the raid but the only cobbler has a double decker shop - house in one.

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