III - "Dont start Nik"

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Chapter Three:"Don't start Nik"

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Chapter Three:
"Don't start Nik"

Amelia had awoken a few hours later, her neck was sore but that was about it. Her anger out weighed her pain at that moment, she wanted nothing more that to remove Damon's heart from his body.

"Love, you must calm down. I want nothing more than to help you, but my mother would never allow it." Rebekah reasoned, blocking the bedroom door so the angered brunette could not escape.

"I couldn't give a damn Rebekah! What did I ever do to him for him to feel the need to snap my neck?" Amelia fumed.

"I don't know, and I assure you he will not get away with it. I only ask that your revenge waits, at least for a while." Amelia rolled her eyes at the blonde, if it had not been for Esther being back Rebekah would be leading the hunting party. But yet there she was, stopping her from doing something she had done many times to those who harmed her.

"Move out of my way Rebekah." Amelia said.

"No." The blonde responded, folding her arms over her chest.

"Get out of the way!" She snapped, picking up a nearby vase and throwing it at the wall beside the door. However Rebekah didn't so much as flinch at her actions.

"Not until you calm down." Rebekah said, softly.

"You are supposed to be on my side with this!" Amelia shouted.

"I am on your side! I am always on your side! When have I ever not been on your side Amelia? When have I never stood by you, supported you, loved you? But I will not allow you to run head first into a fight, even when I know you cannot die! I won't allow it, neither will anyone else!" Rebekah understood her anger towards the vampire, she understood her desire to harm him. But she'd been worried about her whilst she was 'dead', even though she knew that the brunette would wake up eventually. She didn't want them to hurt Amelia, because if she knew one thing about Damon, his brother and their friends is that if one of them is in trouble, the rest would always help them. "I love you too much to allow you to do that." She sighed, walking towards her wife who now stood still.

"I want him dead 'Bekah." She told her, looking up slightly.

"I know, and I understand. Just—not yet. Okay?" Rebekah asked, taking a hold of Amelia's hands.

"Fine, but I make no promises." Rebekah chuckled lightly, she expected no less from her wife.

"I can accept that. Now, how about I run us a bath?" Amelia nodded with a small smile.

"Well, well, well, There's our girl." Usually Amelia would find Kol's teasing amusing, however she wasn't in the mood this morning.

"Get out of my way Kol." Amelia glared.

"By the sounds of your activities this morning, you had quite a bit of fun with my sister. Tell me, is your throat sore from all that screaming?" He smirked as Rebekah came into the living room.

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