Meet The Packs

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"Orpheus called his pack Fading Night. They were composed of the strongest and most loyal wolves. Atakan called his pack BloodPelt, after his own red coat and his affinity for blood. Lastly, Sutoya called his pack Maw Creek after their densite, which is located in the maw of the wolf-shaped lake that the packs all live around."

For an avid reader, or one who likes to indulge themselves in the lore of what they read, it's important that you know what the packs are, what they are called, and what they are about. Then later we will learn about the pack laws, traditions, holidays, and hierarchy. These things can change or vary within each pack, though some are recognized by all.

"The Strong and The Loyal"
Fading Night pack is a tight band of loyal and strong wolves. They are especially good at hunting and tracking, and some have been known to be able to swim proficiently. Generally they prefer peace to war, and try their best to remain courteous with the other packs. They are also most likely to be willing to trade or make deals. They are the most genetically diverse, also, and thus are healthier and less prone to disease.
Fading Night pack lives west of The Maw (the wide river that the packs are populated around) in temperate forests and brush lands. On their land you can find plenty of trees, creeks, knolls, crags, and small cliff faces.
Their densite is located in the center of the forest region of their territory in a large clearing that is backed against a smallish cliff face. In the middle of the densite towards the back is a protruding, spiraling rock that they deem "Alpha-rock". There is a den at it's base that the alpha pair calls home. Behind the Alpha-rock lies their stone-yard, which is essentially their version of a graveyard. They bury their dead there and those that were close to them stack a flat slab of rock on top to form a cairn. Directly against the back of the Alpha-rock are the graves of fallen alphas. Instead of laying down cairns, they top the graves with a single rock and place the dead alpha's skulls on top of said rock. To the right some ways from the Alpha-rock is a dug-out den made on the side of a grassy knoll, in the roots of a large spiraling white oak. This is the pup-den (or whelp-den) where mothers will live while pregnant until they give birth. They will continue to live with their whelps there until they are weaned, and from then on the young will sleep there until they become trainees while their mothers return to their usual den. The only wolves who are allowed access to the pup-den are mothers, pups themselves, and betas. Not even alphas or older siblings are permitted to enter. South of the pup-den is an even bigger hill. This is where sentries tend to keep watch of the camp, as it makes a good vantage point. On the far west side of the densite is a rocky patch with ledges. This is where the general population of the pack rests and communes. It is home to provisioners, off-duty guards, sentries, and scouts, as well as trainees, seers, betas, high betas, and greybacks alike. Between the main den and the alpha-rock is a hollowed out fallen tree. This is the healer's den, where sick and injured wolves will rest while under care of the pack's healer. In the absolute center of the densite is the preybed, marked by a pile of rock slabs. This is where provisioners place chunks of their fallen prey and leave them for the members of the pack that cannot venture outside of the densite (wether they're too young, too old, sick or injured, or too busy) to eat. As for a water source, there is a tiny spring that flows behind the camp next to their northern exit. There are three main ways to enter and leave the densite. The southern exit leads into the grasslands through a small copse of trees. The northern exit is formed by a massive fissure in the cliff at the back of the densite. It leads into the deepest part of the woods, where the wolves do most of their hunting. The eastern  exit takes them out towards The Maw.
Other Animals:
The Fading Night territory is home to a myriad of other species of animals, both predator and prey. The most common species found are whitetail deer, grey squirrels, chipmunks, mice, marmots, blackbirds, grouse, hares, eagles, elk, moose, foxes, snakes, badgers, and the occasional occurrence of cougars. Golden eagles are also known to venture into their territory sometimes, but they typically stay north towards the mountains.


"The Swift and The Deadly"
BloodPelt pack is known for their fearsome reputation and for their abilities regarding stealth. These wolves prefer to keep to their own, and are more likely to fight over territory than anything else. Aside from this, they are resilient and effective hunters, even better than Fading Night. While it may occur in other packs on occasion, BloodPelt wolves frequently manage to take down full grown moose. Aside from their hunting prowess, due to recessive genes a majority of them are red or dark of color.
BloodPelt pack lives northeast of The Maw, in a remote patch of spruce forest. Their land consists of varying densities of woodland and a river that divides their territory with Maw Creek's.
Their densite is located in the southern part of their territory, alongside the river that marks the end of their territory. The densite is far simpler than the other two— it is essentially a large rocky area with slabs and boulders surrounded by pine trees. The alpha sleeps down on the side of the rocky slope, in a dig-out den that sets in the side of the river's edge. It's high up enough that it hasn't ever flooded. The healer and seer share a den under a fallen pine tree that is leaned against a boulder. The rest of their wolves sleep on the top area of the rocks, in a massive circle consisting of three rings. The outer ring consists of the guardians, sentries, and omegas, the second ring the provisioners, scouts, and trainees, and the inner ring the betas, whelps, and greybacks. Their dead are buried in the river below by means of dropping their fallen over the side and letting the river take them. Their preybed is located between the alpha den and the sleep-spot.
Other Animals:
The BloodPelt territory is also occupied by many other species of animals. These include most commonly mice, badgers, porcupines, vultures, crows and ravens, rabbits, whitetail deer, mule deer, elk, moose, birds of prey, coyotes, snakes, and sometimes black bears.


"The Stark and The Mighty"
The Maw Creek pack is very moral-based. They have high standards and strong principles, but are receptive to wise changes. They are most likely to argue about things they are passionate about, especially if they see something that goes against their standards occurring.  Aside from their moral attributes, due to recessive genes a majority of them are light of color.
Maw Creek pack lives east of The Maw. Their territory consists of dense pine forests and mountainous terrain. It is home to the land formation that seems to bite into The River like a wolf into prey. The lower jaw of this "wolf" is a wetland of sorts, full of mud, toads, and marsh.
Their densite is located in the southeastern corner of their territory. It is set apart by a collection of large rock formations that seem to surround the area. While the densite is not in a clearing, there are a lot fewer trees present in it. The center is marked by a rocky outcropping on which the alpha pair call home. At the center of this rocky surface is a massive redwood tree. Nobody can explain the presence of a singular redwood in the midst of a pine forest. Immediately below the outcropping is the preybed. The guardians and sentries sleep and stand guard along the ring of boulders that line the edge of the densite, while the rest of the wolves sleep scattered around the area. At the back of the densite is a decent sized waterfall that falls into a small pool. This pool trails off into a creek and out away from the densite. The only other designated den is a small cave behind the waterfall— a pup-den that is shared by their emissary and healer.
Other Animals:
Maw Creek's pine forest holds home to a multitude of species of animal. Most commonly rabbits, mule deer, elk, grouse, birds of prey, ravens, black bears, cougars, coyotes, and occasionally mountain goats.

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