Meet the Characters (pt.4)

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     Includes images of wolves that I've found online that best resemble the characters in question. I put a spoiler warning because their descriptions could list information that you may have not read about in the story yet. Listed in random order separated only by pack allegiances.


Guardian Zae of BloodPelt pack. Daughter of Conan and Raebis, sister of Mitaye and Katulu. Known for her rude behavior and selfish tendencies.

Death: killed in self-defense by Mitaye
(Dies in ???)



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Beta Mitaye of BloodPelt pack. Daughter of Conan and Raebis, sister of Zae and Katulu. Known for her wisdom and mature nature.

Death: to be determined



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Provisioner Katulu of BloodPelt pack. Son of Conan and Raebis, brother to Zae and Mitaye. Known for his protective behavior and clingy personality.

Death: to be determined



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