Chp. 5

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~•(3rd POV)•~

After training, Ginko leaded you back as the sun is going down.
As soon you got back you hear some yelping across the hall, due to your curious, you soon open the sliding see your brother Po with the other two.

"I thought you said acupuncture would make me feel bettteeerr!"Po yelp at the end, saw you and wave his paw at you.
"Trust me it will, it's just not easy finding to right nerve point all this..."
"Fat?" Po questioned
"Fur, I was gonna say fur" Mantis responded
"Sure you were"
Po said as [Name] went to sit by Po as he's getting needles around his back.
"Who am I to judge a warrior based on his size,I mean look at me." Mantis said as Po is trying to find him
"I'm over here" mantis said putting another needle on his shoulder, Po yelp in pain.
"Maybe you should take a looked at this again" Viper said showing them draw of Po while as mantis taking a glance.
"Oh okay"

While Po is yelping or screaming in pain, Monkey is trying to meditate, and crane is trying to make the
sign but mess it up as well, while they both give him the look.

"I know Master Shifu trying to aspire me at all,but if I didn't know any better, I'd say he's trying to get rid of us" Po chuckled as Viper and Mantis looked at each other and look back at Po pretending nothing happened while [Name] sighed
" I know he seem kinda heartless but you know he wasn't always like that"
"According to legend, there was a once a time when Master Shifu actually used to smile"Viper saod
"Yes that was before"
"Before what?"

A creek of a door open
"Before Tai lang"
"Uhh..yeah, we're not really supposed to talked about him" crane response from the other side.
"Well if their going to stay here,they should know."Tigress said.
"Guys, guys, I know about Tai lang he was a student, the first ever to master The Thousand Scrolls of kung fu...and then he turned bad and he was in jail" Po said nervously as Tigress came in the room.

"He wasn't the only student"
As the years went back Shifu is much younger,opened the door see the baby cub on the floor wrapped in a blanket.
"Shifu found him as a cub"
Showing his feeding him
While Tai just rip his whisker off as Shifu covering his pain is happiness
"And raised him as a son"
"And when the boy shown talent from Kung Fu"
Seeing Tai kicked the dummy to the wall
"Shifu trained him,he believed in him,he told him he was destined for greatness,
"It was never enough for Tai lang"
Show a child version of Tai doing training and cut to him being older now destroy the thing.
Show shifu besides him.
"He wanted the dragon scroll but oogway saw darkness in his heart and refused"
Oogway showing his disapprove and walked of as well the wolf beside walked off aswell.
"Outraged, Tai lang waste to the valley"
As Tai is destroy the Village and burst threw the door
"He tried to take the scroll by force"
Seeing Shifu and Oogway beside are the 2 wolves besides them.
"And Shifu had to destroy what he had created"
Seeing Tai running cut to a flashback of a cub of him walking to him.
"But how could he"
Tai then punched Shifu to the opposite side with the others.
The wolf unsheith his sword protect the other as Oogway jump in to knock Tai out
by using a Chi.
"Shifu love Tai lang like he never loved anyone before"
See Shifu on the the crawling to Tai limb body on the ground.
"After the Incident the wolf they used to know and trained have vanished along with his wife."
Showing the geese running around the Jade palace along the other trying to find them.
Cut to show where a younger Tigress kicking the some dummy before to the wall,
she thought he will be proud but Shifu just walked pass her.

Cut to the sadden tigress faded to her now
"And now he has a chance to make things right to train the true dragon warrior and he's stuck with you,A Big Fat Panda who treats it like a joke"
Show Po doing a Funny face as [Name] just look at him dumbfounded.
"Oh! That is it!" Tigress said ran towards him as mantis stops her.
"Wait! My fault, I accidentally treat his facial nerve"
Mantis said as Po fell face to the ground showing his back full of needles. "And may also stopped his heart"
Mantis added poking his eyes as his eyes twitches.

'what happened again'

[A/N: ]
(I know I haven't updated yet but have a week or two before school end so I'll try to update more.)

Word: 833

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