Chp 7

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~•(3rd POV)•~

Po and [Name], that Po pulled him out of the chair and scurry away down the stairs.

Po was screaming while running down the stairs as [Name] is running close behind him till all a sudden [Name] felt a wind pass by as it made Po stop running and [Name] ran into him. "You can not leave! A real warrior never quits." See Shifu standing as the close edge of the stairs.
"Watch me." As Po was trying to trick him but fail as Shifu swing him back by the staff.
"C'mon..How am I suppose to but Tai lung, I can't even beat you to the stairs" Po said as [Name] is standing close by looking at the sky and back at them.

"You will beat him because you are the dragon warrior!"
Shifu them poke Po belly with a staff. "Ow! You don't believe that..oh! You never believe that from the first moment we both got here,you've trying to get rib of us." Po said trying pass Shifu again and failed again as he felled to the ground.
"Yes! I was but now I asked you to trust in your Master as I have come to trust in mine"
Po have sat back up, "You're not my master,and I'm not the dragon warrior" He said as he smack the staff away.
"Then didn't you quit? You know why I was trying to get rid of you both,yet you stayed" Shifu said.
"Yeah, We stayed, I stayed because you threw a brick at my head."
'he what..?"
"..or said I smelled,it hurts but it could never hurt more than it did everyday of my life just being me. I stayed because I thought if anyone could change, could make me not me,it was you. The greatest king fu teacher in all of China."

"But I can't change you,I can turn you into the dragon warrior and I will" shifu said. "C'mon Tai lung is on his way here right now and even if it takes him a hundred years to get here, How are you gonna change this into a dragon warrior.huh?" Po said as Shifu was being for a moment.
"How?.. How.."
Po said,Shifu was left quiet and think.
"How!?" "I don't know!"as he finally speak, "..I don't know" as shifu is quiet again and Po sighed, while [Name] is still by them listening and looking at the sky.

"That's what I thought" Po said breaking the silent and Shifu left leaving Po and [Name], "C'mon [Name]" Po said as [Name] nodded, [Name] was about to head back with Po he felt a gust of wind passed by,he turn back, shrugged off and left with Po.


As for the next day..

[Name] is by the stairs case sitting their wait for the bear or the crow to came by and trained again but nothing.
[Name] was staring at the ground as he felt someone is flying to him and seeing Ginko standing at the other side of the stairs way.
"Master Gyomei told me to give this to you and Master Shifu. Caw!" She said handed him a paper that is wrap up.
[Name] took it from her, "I'll probably forget it anyway.." he said as she nodded and flew off "Caw!" As she no longer in sight and he looks at the paper in his paw. 'Should I now or later' he thought for a while and got up and head to where Shifu's at.

[Name] is wondering around and hearing some noises at,he went inside and followed the sound see Po in some kitchen.. pantry place eating like a cookie in sort of way while not know Shifu is by you looking at Po and the area.
"What? I eat when I'm upset okay" Po said talking with his mouth full,[Name] look at his side seeing Shifu and handed him a rolled up paper. Shifu look at the paper and at Po. "Oh,No need to explain. I just thought you might be monkey, he hides his almond cookies on the top shelf" and he 'leaving' the area,[Name] looked at him and back at Po as he heard clanging sounds and seeing Po top of the shelves doing splits as raiding the cookies.

Shifu and [Name] is at the entrance of the room seeing Po there,Po was busy eating the cookies and noticed Shifu standing there.
"Don't tell monkey" he said. "Look at you" Shifu as walking in as [Name] followed in. "Yeah,I know I disgust you" he said grabbing another cookie and tossed it to [Name].
"No no, I mean how did you get up there?" Shifu questioned while [Name] is taking a bite of the cookie that Po toss it to him.

"I don't know,I just...I don't know I'm just getting a cookie" he said eating more cookies.
"And yet you are ten feet off the ground and have done a perfect split" He said,[Name] just finished his cookie.
"No this, this is just.." a the wood creaks "accident"
And Po crashed down as the cookie roll the Shifu while [Name] is by him looking at Po on the ground.

"There are no accidents" Shifu said holding the cookie in his hand while the paper in the other that haven't been read yet.
"Come with me" He said as Po is groaning and sitting back up from falling down.

As Shifu left the room leaving the two brothers behind and figure he haven't reed it yet. He unrolled the paper and read.

Will be gone in a mission for a week or so, tell Grand Master Shifu to trained you as I've return.

Sincerely, Gyomei Himejima


Word: 966

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