Part One

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Here it is, the day you've been dreading all summer. The first day of school, moving was hard enough but now you have to find completely new friends. Your new house feels cold and empty.

  'But we can't dwell on that. I need to make an outfit that makes people like me!'
Digging through the boxes sitting on the floor, you find a suitable outfit, some lower rise jeans, and a cute tank top with butterflies on it. Digging through another box for some jewelry, you find some suitable accessories, a beaded bracelet, pink blue, and purple to match most of the butterflies on your shirt. Along with a butterfly necklace. "Perfect!" That wasn't as hard as you thought it was gonna be.

"Hey y/n, come on down. Dinner is almost done, and I need you to set the table." You heard your father yell from downstairs. "COMING." You shout back. Sliding on your bunny house slippers and running down, unfortunately luck wasn't on your side, and you slipped on a stair."AHH," you scream as you feel yourself crash down the rest of the way. You end up landing on your thigh. Almost immediately, you feel the pain set in. You hear your dad rushing into the room. "Oh my goodness, are you okay?" he says, grabbing your body and placing you in a chair at the dining room table. "I'm fine, I'll probably just need to walk it off." You wince out.

Your father finishes setting the table, and a bowl of pasta is set in front of you. It's silent for a while, with the occasional sound of a fork scraping against a plate once in a while and the small murmur of crickets outside. "Sorry about your fall hun." your dad says, finally breaking the silence. "It's okay, dad, it wasn't your fault I shouldn't have run down." You finish your pasta and bid your dad a goodnight as you limp up the stairs.

Entering your room, you start organizing the stuff in the boxes. Looking through pictures of your old school and friends, you feel your slight smile drop into a frown. You get up and turn on the shower in your bathroom, forgetting you had just run out of your shampoo and things like that you turn off the shower. "DAD." You shout out of the bathroom door. "...." Silence "DAAADD!" You shout again, expecting a response, but to no avail.You let out a long sigh and stomp downstairs. You are met with his face when you step into the kitchen, cleaning up from dinner." Hey dad, do you think I could borrow some cash and go to the store. I forgot that I ran out of shampoo, and i need some more." You ask him politely. "Of course, how much do you need?"He says while opening his wallet. "Probably like $20."
"Alright here," he takes out the money. " Take this extra 10 just in case."
"Thank you so much, I'll be back in 10."
"Okay, be careful, and don't talk to strangers!"

Word Count: 513
Sorry for the small chapter, but I just want to see how people like this story before I continue it!
Have a lovely day!

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