Part Four

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Stumbling around the halls, you eventually find the nurses office and wait. "Hey, so I'm supposed to ve your guide or something." A boy says to you. His hair is a shade of dark brown, and his freckles are the next thing that you notice. They stick out at you like a sore thumb. "Uhm, hi." You say definitely noticing that you were looking at him a little too long."Let me see your schedule so I can show you where to go." He says, nodding his head towards the schedule in your hand. "Oh yeah, of course." You hand the schedule to him. he grazes his eyes over it, "Follow me." He says, waiting for you to walk with him. You two begin walking down the hall . "So what's your name?" You ask to bream the weird awkward silence between you two. "Sam, and yours?" He says to you slightly, smiling. "Y/n." You say, looking into the classrooms you are passing. 'I hope I have a class with that Brandt kid, I don't wanna be alone all day'. "So why did you move here if you don't mind me asking?" He says. "Oh.. well, some stuff happened back where I used to live, and my dad said that he had had enough and moved us here."You said scratching your arm. 'damn that was awkward.'. "Oh," he says "Well your class is here." He said awkwardly, shuffling to open the door for you. "Thank you, I'll see you around?" You say. "Yeah." he says, nodding to you. He waves goodbye as you walk into the classroom.

Your eyes scan the room, you see Brandt, and a few other people that you've seen in the hallways. "Welcome, come take a seat!"A teacher with a guitar booms at you over the classroom. Most of the class turns around to look at you. "Class, don't be rude, say hello." Most of the class waves a hello, but a few others say it verbally. You look around the classroom for a seat and settle for the seat behind a girl with blonde hair. "Psst." You turn around to see Brandt looking at you. "Hey y/n." He says. "Uh hi."You say something about the conversation feels artificial, but you ignore it. Once you turn back around, you hear a few whispers from him and his friends about you. But you choose to ignore it. The teacher begins doing the attendance. You aren't really paying a whole bunch of attention until he calls on Brandt."President!" He shouts, him and his friends laugh about it. He calls on another girl."Maya Iishi-Peters!" she responds back with a short "president. " it's not hard to pick up that she may have at least a small thing for Brandt. He calls others, and then you get called on. "Here."You say the teacher nods towards you.One of the girls in front of you is talking about her bra strap, 'little weird, but oh well.'
He eventually finishes taking attendance. "Okay, listen up, everyone. I have your locker assignments."He goes around handing people little yellow index cards with locker numbers and codes on it. You look on the lockers with signs on them reading 'Brandt loves Maya' and 'Dustin loves Maya.'You find your locker, which is about 5 lockers over from the Maya girl. You put most of your stuff in your locker. You overhear some girls talking to Maya about Brandt and Fustin being totally in love with her. 'This is weird.' You think to yourself.

This part one because I've lost some energy throughout the day, I will for sure write part 2 of this tomorrow!
Have a wonderful day ILY you all!

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