Part Two

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You step out of the house, feeling the late night breeze. It felt good considering it was still summer. Breathing it in you remember what happened to your leg. 'How annoying' you look down and are taken by surprise at the sight. 'Jesus, how did it already bruise?' But you still have to get your shampoo, so you continue walking.

Finally, you reach Walmart and walk through the doors. The sound of quiet feet and slight beeping fills your ears. The transition from the warm summer air from the cold Walmart freezers shocks you. 'Damn, it's cold in here.' You have a slight hard time finding the correct isle, but eventually, you find it. Searching through the options completely unfocused on the world around you.Suddenly, a voice snaps you out of your thoughts, "Hey, what happened to your leg?" Turning your head, you see a boy, middle part, and his height are the first things you notice. "Oh, I slipped down my stair on accident.." You respond. "..oh, well, are you okay?" he squeaks out, his voice cracks a bit. "Haha, yeah, I'm fine." You reply back. You expect the conversation to be over so you continue browsing the shelf for a suitable shampoo. "Hey, I've never seen you before. Are you new?" He says. "Yeah, I moved here a few days ago." You say to him before finding a shampoo and conditioner, vanilla scented. "Well, what's your name?" He says while walking closer. "y/n, what's yours?"
"Brandt, nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you as well..Brandt."
You begin to walk away to go check out. You hear his footsteps follow quickly behind you. "I can walk you home." he says. 'Well, that's not what I was expecting'
"Um....sure."You reply still unsure of this. 'If I get murdered I'm going to be pissed'. You check out and walk out with him.

Most of the walk is silent, but occasionally, it's broken up by him."So how old are you?" he says while looking at you. "I'm 13." You reply while breathing in the warm air. "Oh nice me too." he replies to you with a smile. You start kicking rocks on the ground, slightly running after them. "What are you doing..?"He says, audibly confused. "Kicking the rocks, it's fun. You should try it." You say, engaged in your little game. He starts kicking rocks as well. Clearly, he's having more fun than you are. "Haha, this is funner than I thought it was gonna be." Says while kicking rocks still. "Sorry to end the fun, but my house is just around this corner." You say slightly saddened by this. " Oh well, have a good night. I'll see you tomorrow..?" He says in an unsure tone. " Yes, I'll see you tomorrow, Brandt." You smile and walk to your house. You wave your hand goodbye and walk in. You look at the clock on the wall reading 8:30. Your dad definitely isn't up anymore . You walk into your room and close the door, unpacking the plastic bag you find a note. 'What is this? did Brandt give this to me? when?' You flip open the note, and it reads. "Hey, I thought you were kinda cool, so here's my number 573-738-3028." 'Oh sweet,' you thought. But you grab your shampoo and conditioner and hop into the shower.

Once you finish drying off, you grab a baggy shirt that was your dad's and a pair of pajama shorts. Setting your alarm clock for 6:00, you drift off into sleep thinking about your newfound friend.

Word Count:601
I tried :p

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