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~🎀~"Oh Mr Presley

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"Oh Mr Presley..."

Isabelle's POV.

"Little... Ya got... Ya know.." "What?" "Ya know em drugs.." "Nah ya told. I ain't gonna give ya no more"

I was bout to perform... I got more and more popular.. And I dressed more... Different than other girls.. They said I was a slut... Well there boyfriend didn't say that to me in bed... Tonight I was wearing a long red dress it had a slit going mid thigh maybe going a little higher.. You could see my line from my tights."ah Betty! Take these!" I swallowed a pill..

"Little betty met E.P!" "Well hello Mr Presley" I was talking in a wispy or wet voice... People said I talk like Marilyn Monroe... But whatever...

"Now time for miss little betty!" Now it was my turn to sing... 'Oh Lord I'm nervous... "Wish me luck" I whispered to Elvis...

"I know (I know)
You belong to somebody new
But tonight you belong to me"

"Thank ya very much little betty!" I giggled into the mic. "Well y-y ya are very w- welcome" I walked off stage and little boys and grow man were hollering and whistling at me.. "Good job betty!" A little girl stopped me... "T- thank ya!" "I wanna be just like ya!" "Do ya want me to sign this for ya?!" "Yes if course if ya have time"" of course I do!" I waves my hand my security to back off. I squat down to her sizes "whats ya name" "Natalie!" "Ooo what a pretty name! When I have a baby girl I'mma name her Natalie!" Her mother giggled "thank ya can I hug ya?!" "Of course Natalie!" The little girl hugged me and she walked away with her mother with a big bright smile.

I started to walk with the security... And I saw the press. "Miss betty do ya know Mr Presley has a crush on ya!" "Miss betty look over here!" Bright flashes kept going off. 'Lord have mercy'

"Miss betty did ya ever consider going on a diet?!" " excuse me sir but it's my body and I can eat whatever I want" I wasn't that skinny I have a little stomach (witch is fat) I have big hips and a chest... And I get sexualised because if it... I have an hourglass figure.. Men make me uncomfortable because of it... Men stare at me..

A girl photo Grapher started to talk "ma'am I think you are just as beautiful! Don't change!" "Thank ya" I hugged her tight..

Elvis was gone.. I didn't even get his damn number.. Ugh!..

"Although (Although) we're apart
You're a part of my heart
And tonight you belong to me"

"Although (Although) we're apartYou're a part of my heartAnd tonight you belong to me"

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𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙊𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙒𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣~ 𝐄𝐥𝐯𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲~Where stories live. Discover now