Chapter 3

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(Zrina's POV)

"Neteyam, I-!" I stop myself from speaking thinking about my choice of words, I want to know more about Tey Tey than this" he looks at me with confusion written on his face.

"I guess it's a date then?" I ask as I place the spirit on my shoulder. He walks up to me and place a kiss on my bottom lip, "It's a date" he whispers , then we walks away getting on his ikran and going back to his home.

I was so stuck but I was so in love, "YES!" I whisper spinning around as more and more spirits start swarming around me, "OH! He's so-!" "So what?" "CHIEF!" I say as I was startled by him.

"Don't get too attached to him, you have a habit of receiving bad kick from relationships" he says walking away come home we have something to discuss.

(Neteyam POV's)

She's so beautiful, Ugh, "And where were you?" Mother asks, I get off my ikran. "Perimeter check, ma'am" I respond standing infront of my mother. "Alright, go get changed, we are having company later" she says allowing me to walk a few steps past her.

When we both arrive at the tent area my father and mother give each other a look like they are up to something. "So, did you see anything?" Father asks "No sir", "Nothing at all?" Mother questions, "No ma'am" I respond.

"Did she like the gift?" Father asks "Yessir- I mean!" "Caught you little one" mother pinches my face. "MOOOM" I say wiggling my face away. "It's okay, you'll be able to see a lot of her" Father says while patting my shoulder and walking away.

I sigh walking to the waterfalls, I see Lo'ak and Spider playing. Those to morons are so childish, but I love em.

(Y/n's POV)

I love him I love him I love him sooo much! "He's the one" I whisper while falling on the ground, "Do you now?" Chief says as he's standing above me, "CHIEF I-!" I quickly stand up, "We will be meeting the all the clans today, as Tsahik and Our Top Warrior you will be joining, go get clean" he says walking away.

"Yessir" I run to the bath area jumping onto Glitch.


"SISTER! SO CHILDISH!" We tackle each other as Trina, my little sister joins in

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"SISTER! SO CHILDISH!" We tackle each other as Trina, my little sister joins in. "Awww is the great mighty Tsahik getting tired?!" Glitch teases, "Tired my ass" I say tackling more. "C'mon guys!" My best friend grips my arm and pulls me away.

"Awww can I have an inch of child games?!" I ask whining a bit, "No cuz you'll see that cute boy that you kee day dreaming about" she responds putting out clothes for me. "How do you know?" I ask, "we've been Bestfriend's since we was babies, I know you more than you know your self" she says sitting me down on a rock.

Styling my hair, I sigh while looking in the mirror as she does my hair, "I mean at least he's Taruk Makto's Son. Chief is only against ur wishes because you want to leave us" she explains.

"I know but I was thinking about it because I didn't want to be in anyone's way." "Love listen, you can heal people, you have the biggest connection with Eywa, and you're a fighter?! You're like a all in one goddess" my best friend says putting jewelry around me.

"Now go get dressed, I'll see you when we take our leave" she says kissing my forehead and leaving.

A tear almost fell down my cheek, she's the sweetest person I ever met, well hee and Neteyam .



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(Ignore the necklaces)

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(Ignore the necklaces)

I walk down to my room area and to my ikran, "Aren't you a pretty Flower" Z'ack compliments, "Thank you, You're pretty too" I say getting on Ira, "Pfft, Just pretty is an understatement sister" he says as the whole clan takes off.

I giggle, while spinning in a slow spiral.

Only a flight away Tey Tey

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