Chapter 11

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Zrina's POV

I back up a bit to at least get a head start on running, Thanator jumps out as I run up the steps, "LO'AK!" i yell for him as i run into him, "Lo'ak!" "What's wrong?" He asks holding my waist, "Thanator-!" the animal jumps out automatically chasing us.

Lo'ak and I run to the top of the tree, we had split up be it was chasing me. i jump out the tree landing on ira as she flys us away, "This is so weird ira" i whisper to her, "You alright?!" I ask Lo'ak through the communicator. He nods putting up his thumb, "LOOK OUT!" Lo'ak yells as i fly up more.

I look back to see Taruk chasing me "I decide to move and now everything wants to kill me!" i say to myself as i dive down into the trees, ira latches onto the trunk of the tree. Taruk flys above us trying to se if he could spot ira. "That was close-" "SHHHHH" Lo'ak Latches onto the trunk next to me talking a bit too loud.

Taruk Makto flys by again, this time closer to the trees, "come" i whisper climbing into a tree hole, "Spacious" i say sitting down as Lo'ak crawls in next to me, "Well, guess we better get sleep" he says cuddling up next to me. I ball up so at least get a bit of warmth as we fall asleep in the tree.

~Next Morning~

I wake up as the sun start to rise, but I feel the tree shake violently. I look down to see Quartich and his crew down there trying to catch Lo'ak and I's ikran. "Lo'ak" I whisper.

Shaking him awake I whisper his name again, "we have to go-!" "We know your in there pretty, come out!" One of Quartich's crew members call out.

He gets up and climbs the tree, "Cmon" he signals me to follow him. "Right behind you" I whisper back. I can't afford him getting hurt, I peak my head out looking down at them.

"Aw, you were always my favorite, grace would've been so disappointed in you. Your should come back with us.. I'll leave all your mistakes behind." He says trying to convince me to come down.

I come out the tree getting on my ikran flicking Quartich off. Him and his crew started to shoot at me. On of them shot me in my shoulder and my ikran on her wing.

She flew us away and to the hideout, "Where were you? Are you okay" Neytiri, Neteyam, Lo'ak and Kanza rush to me.

"I'm okay, can you take a look at Ira please she's hurt." I ask Neytiri, she nods and she brings me to Mo'at to get me treated "Lady Mo'at-!" "Why so formal?" She asks.

Mo'at sits behind me as she is taking the bullet out of my shoulder. "You are my Grandchild now" she uses the healing rose on my shoulder.

"Not a fussy one I see" she says moving my hair out of the way. "Used to it" I say playing with the rocks on the ground.

"Zrina!" Kiri runs to me and sits next to me, "Are you okay?" She asks holding my hand, "I'm alright" "Love the hair" she points out, "Oh! Thank you, forgot I didn't re-braid it last night" I say smiling.

"Soooo, which one do you like?" She asks out of nowhere. "Huh?" "Which of my brothers do you like?!" She asks more bluntly. "I-!" I sit there shook.

"C'mon i know you like at least one of them" she teases poking at me, we both giggle as I look over to see Neteyam and Lo'ak talking to eachother.

"Well.. I- don't.. know really" I look at Neteyam "Teyam!" Kanza hugs him tightly, "Hm" I hear Kiri scoff. "Don't like her either?" I ask Kiri.

"Most of us don't, she is a distraction... she barely helped when she lived here, and she was a 'bully' as the sky people say" Mo'at explains getting up to get medicine.

I look at kiri who scoots next to me. "I much rather Neteyam mate with you. Kanza isn't a good influence.." "Kiri I can't make Neteyam love me.. that is for him to-..." I look back at Neteyam who is kissing Kanza...

"Choose..." I fall silent.. I guess he chose who he wants.. "Zrina.. I'm sorry" "No need to be Kiri, besides... it's for the best.." I say getting up.

"Hey! I know what will cheer you up! A little gift before you leave" Kiri pulls my arm as we both run out the tent running through the forest.

"Kiri I don't think this is safe" I say as she pulls me to a river area. "C'mon" she jumps in the water splashing around. "Cmon!" She says invites me.

"Kiri you sure it's safe over here?" I ask, she rolls her eyes in response. "Listen I'm not trying to get in troubl-!" I get pushed into the water, cooling off a bit.

I move my hair out of my face, and see Lo'ak and Tuk jump in. I laugh as Lo'ak tries to splash me and Kiri.

I run around picking up Tuk, throwing her up and catching her. She laughs while hugging me close "I'm going to miss you so much Zrina" Tuk smiles at me but then looks behind me.

"Me too Tuk, and so will T'rina" I say putting her down. Lo'ak picks me up and hugs my waist "Lo'ak!" I hug him wrapping my legs around his waist.

"Promise to visit" he asks smiling up at me, "hmmm" "Zrinaa" "Fine Fine, you'll be the first to know when I land okay?" I say sitting my elbows on his shoulders.

"Zrina, start heading back. We have to get packing" Z'ack says on my communicator. "Alright" I say, looking at Lo'ak.

"Do not- throw me-!" Before I could finish he throws me in the water. "You are the worst" I say getting up and squeezing the water out of my hair.

"Can you guys stop flirting please!" Kiri says getting out after me.

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