Chapter 9

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(Zrina's pov)

I fly on Ira looking out for any trouble, netayam flying up next to me gusting wind. i look at him doing the same thing both of us laughing, Kanza look back at us signaling us to stop messing around. we both nod but smile at eachother, "Sister!"

"All ears" i say pressing the communicator on my neck to speak "We've spotted some avatars by the old base" Glitch explains "We? Who else is with you?" i ask looking over at Neytiri and Jake who looks worried. "The sully kidz Z'ack and.... trina" My heart tenses more that trina and Jake's kids are there...

"Get out of there, stay low and quiet" i say trying to track her communicator. i look over at Neteyam who nods as we both dive down into the trees.

we land on a branch jumping off of our ikran's. i put my hands on my face, trying not to panic "Zrina, we will find them" he lays my forehead on his chest keeping his hand on the back of my head.

"Hey, got a reading on them-" Kanza pauses, i wipe my face looking at her, "Where are they" i ask

"here" she opens her hand and a trail leads us to them. i run up the trail behind a tree, i do my call, peaking to see where Z'ack was.

I shoot an arrow aiming at the avatar's leader..

"Zrinaa, Long time no see, how's your 2 brothers.. see you got another huh?" "SKY DEMON-!"

Neytiri shoots an arrow at them too, "WE WILL KILL YOU AS MANY TIMES AS WE HAVE TO" "My lucky day, Mrs.Sully see you've got a big ole family here. be a shame if one where to slip away-!"

Neteyam Shot 2 guys with his arrow as i shot an avatar in the head with mine. "GO GO" I yell

we all run to a much more safer area in the forest as we stop running i do a check..

"Trina?" she hugs me tightly ass i keep my hand on her back "Glitch, Z'ack?" "We're here" they say hugging me close, i see kiri lo'ak and neteyam over with neytiri and Jake.

"where is spider?" i ask, kiri looks at me with teary eyes, "where is Kanza?" neteyam asks, "I'm okay" she walks through the branches hugging neteyam.

"they got him" she says Kanza runs over seeing her walk over to the sully family, "they went back to their base but there is a high chance they will be back" she explains.

i look at lo'ak who is giving me sad stares but i look away...

we go back to the hide out.... "Zrina can we talk?"

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