Four: Something Blossoming

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The library is not how one would think or expect to look like here in this university.

Since it's within the campus building of the university, when one goes in, what they see is what a typical library would look like - rows of books, a couple tables, maybe a few computers, perhaps a few humans socializing here and there. However, when you walk further in the library, an open wall to the outside is revealed - where a tree and the beach is connected for those who'd want a more outside ambient - In that way people will have their area of comfort on where they wish to study.

That's where Kiri and Tsireya are currently, with Kiri leaning back against the enormous tree while Tsireya sits on the sand near the waters, smiling as she looks through her notebook while working on a written assignment for her class on Pandora history. She seems to be heavily engaged in the topic, especially as she writes all her notes in this fascination to what she learns.

On the other hand, Kiri was faintly drawing on her notebook without any real homework to be focusing on. This whole time she has been mainly trying to find ways on approaching this topic on Tsireya's love interest without sounding weird, or intrusive.

And no matter how much Kiri thought about it, it made less and less sense on how to approach it.

This is going to be difficult.

After thinking about it heavily for a moment, Kiri closes her eyes with a huff before looking to Tsireya, "Hey, question," That sounded too strong, "So... Um, first week has been going good so far?"

Tsireya gently looks at Kiri, breaking a small smile, "Yeah, already having loads of assignments piling up," She sighs, discontent, "What about you?"

"Besides the activities I'm doing for the club I'm in, it's been smooth," This conversation is going nowhere, "Erm... So I was thinking-"

"There you are!"

Either that was blessing or a curse, Kiri couldn't tell because it was both relieving that someone interrupted her from making possibly a big humiliation, and at the same time annoying that she didn't get any information for her dear brother.

She'll just go with the latter.

Both fixating their attention to the voice, Kiri felt a deep dread and indifference to Ao'nung sudden presence- who came up from the waters to sit beside his sister.

Don't get Kiri wrong, she could care less about Ao'nung, but she's not blind to how Ao'nung behaves around her brothers - which is being just a typical jock - and she prefers staying to her own side when it involves him.

They're all part of the same friendship groupie either way.

Yet unlike the usual times Kiri has seen him, this time he was different.

And that was the bright and enthusiastic smile on his face.

"I beat my own record today reaching the reef for the swim team!" Ao'nung beams to a near shriek, not wasting a single second since reaching his sister, "I have been working on that for the whole summer - you know this, you literally were training me - Ugh, I'm so happy! We have a chance in going to championships this season! I just know it!"

Tsireya smile couldn't have been wider and more genuine to her brother's achievement upon hearing the news, making Kiri stare a bit curiously to this sight - since she doesn't often see this chemistry between them. Usually when the two siblings are together, they don't really interact like this. Tsireya is usually talking Lo'ak's ear off or to the group as a whole, meanwhile Ao'nung is with Rotxo or saying something to infuriate Neteyam.

They rarely interact with each other.

So, this right now, is a rare moment the siblings ever show to everyone. What it is really is that they are clearly each other's go to when something happens. Ao'nung could've just texted her this and left it be, but he'd rather swim after practice to find her and express his excitement in person rather than to any other friend he could have. 

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