Thirty - Seven: Let Go Yet Holding On

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The Heart Wants What It Wants - Selena Gomez

Walking to the dorms after a successful hunt felt more than accomplishing for Neteyam. He brought food to his people, and taught Tsireya a few pointers while at it. She even gave it a go a few times with Neteyam's bow and arrow, missing but that's something that'll come with practice.

Within that bonding time, Neteyam has learned that Tsireya is quite intelligent when it comes to nature. Almost similarly to Kiri. She knows her way around in confidence, even when she never truly managed her way around the forest before. She catches on quickly and has this spark to learn.

It makes Neteyam happy seeing someone curious about something he spends his time doing. 

Both Tsireya and Lo'ak will sure have a grand time hunting together, thanks to him.

Smiling to himself with a shake of his head, Neteyam was far too into his head that he didn't even notice someone creeping up on him until his tail suddenly was yanked. Instantly he hisses and yanks out an arrow, turning around to get ready to shoot it with his bow until he sees a teasingly Manuel standing back with arms held up in defense.

Well, that's a surprise.

Ever since what happened in the lab, you could say Neteyam has been more so avoiding him - kinda, since Manuel didn't really try too hard to reach out. 

Not because of anything bad so to say, but it's because he's afraid Manuel will be quick to jump into something serious. 

And he's not ready for that.

However, upon seeing his amused eyes, Neteyam relaxed and eases his bow around his body once again, "I nearly killed you!"

"Wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen."

Neteyam rolls his eyes, ready to say something back, but a pair of lips on his catches him off guard. Abruptly he showed him back, snarling his teeth, "The fuck was that?"

Manuel seemed a tiny bit confused, tilting his head to the side, "Well I thought that after last time, we -"

"Look, I'm going to be brutally honest with you," Neteyam remarks firmly, "I'm not in the service for a relationship. I recently got out of one, and I don't think I can handle dealing with another one."

There's a long moment of silence that transcended between them, until Manuel breaks a gentle smile, before it broke into a laugh.

By now Neteyam began to grow unsure.

Why is he laughing?

"Dude, relax, I don't want a relationship."

He.... Doesn't?


Now it's Neteyam's turn to become confused, "But you kissed me?"

"And we fucked, but it doesn't mean we have to be anything serious," Manuel chuckles, but then grows serious with a gentle stare in his eyes, "Look, I know about Ao'nung-"

Neteyam protectively grabs the handle of his dagger, glaring, "Don't -"

"No listen," Manuel says calmly, stepping towards him, "I'm not like Artemis, I'm not going to use that against you. All I'm saying is, I know you're hurt but I also know you're tried. I would know since.... Well.... Me and Rider used to date at one point."

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