Twenty - Seven: Heal it Or Break it Apart

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Love Me or Leave Me - Little Mix

"I wish I could take a glimpse into my future in like - Ten years from now. Just to know how my life looks like so I can know if all this shit I've been doing so far is worth it in the end."

Tsireya looks at her brother as he says this, a frown downplaying her lips with her arms tightening around her legs to her chest. Ao'nung didn't seem upset or even angry, more so lost with the view of the ocean before his eyes with a vivid detached glaze over his eyes. This is actually the first time he has mentioned anything about what's eating him up alive inside, even if it's still vague, Tsireya gives him that space to talk and reflect on it.

So far, their day has been good; lots of walking, getting lunch, going to the beach and just sitting there to talk. They shared laughs, smiles, hushed topics, and anything to keep the vibe up.

They've had a great day actually.

Until now, the sun is setting, and the day is passing by over their eyes. It seems as though Ao'nung is ready to speak about what's been torturing over the layers of his mind.

One of them involving time.

Breathing this fragile moment in, embracing the silence, Ao'nung couldn't help but mumble into the wind, "I wonder if I'll ever truly be happy with someone else."

Tsireya ear twitches to this, slightly confused but decided to just approach it carefully, placing a hand on her brother's back and rubs it soothingly, "Of course you'll be happy. I think sometimes we have to choose it rather than wait for it to come to us."

Ao'nung eyes remained stoned, thinking hard no doubt about it, and drifts his eyes to the sand, "When do you know when it's time to let go?"

There's a contemplating moment of silence that shivered between them, leaving Tsireya to think well her words before saying, "When you know there's no reason to hold on anymore if it'll only make you unhappy."

It was as bright as the sun and stars blooming over the twilight sky of the tears glittering Ao'nung's eyes - endless galaxies that didn't follow with a sob or a cry, only a silent pain that was louder than words could ever possibly be enough.

Yet Tsireya never questioned it, only continues to rub his back to assure him that she's here.

Even if she doesn't know what's going on.

That's something Ao'nung doesn't want to reveal yet, or at all. No matter how hurt, in pain, or depressed he could be, he would never tell Tsireya what's truly killing his consciousness.

He knows how to keep a secret after all.

Acknowledging if he continues to dive into the topic, he'll say more than he would've liked, he forces a smile and looks at her, "I'm sorry, am I holding you back from seeing your side dick?"

There's the shift in ambient.

Tsireya rolls her eyes, grimacing as she slaps the back of his head, "Don't call him that! It's a mutual understanding."

"I'm sure it is."

Ao'nung giggles quietly when Tsireya goes to slap him again, the clear smile refusing to be removed from her lips in shyness.

Yet Ao'nung being the annoying brother continues.

"Have you done anything extreme?"

"Like what?"

".... Sex?"

Tsireya's eyes widen, snapping to him, "N-No! We literally just agreed to this last night -"

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