A Run In With The Past

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"Honey can you grab my other earring?" Megan shouted from their marble ensuite bathroom.

After four years, Megan had grown to love the lavish parties and events. it was a chance to dress up and let loose. As Michael's company became more and more successful, these events became more frequent. 

Megan was constantly at fittings with fancy designers, rambling about posh things. Her younger self would probably gag at the way she was now. But Megan never took it too seriously. It was fun to play dress up, especially when the money was endless. 

"Baby, we can't be late, I'm presenting the awards tonight," Michael yelled from inside their bedroom. Megan quickly threw on another pair of earrings from her vanity and made her way out the door.

When they walked into the gala hand in hand, Megan felt comfortable. This clearly wasn't their first rodeo. Her and Michael worked the room, greeting their colleagues, shaking hands. All was well until Megan saw a familiar silhouette. 

After all these years, Megan was surprised at how she had memorized that silhouette to a tee. It was Alex. He looked exactly the same, apart from larger muscles and and a well trimmed beard, but it was till Alex. 

She looked at his surroundings and gazed upon a woman leaned up against him. Megan unconsciously sucked in a breath. She knew he was married, but she had never seen the woman. Megan studied them from a distance, still mingling to not make her stares noticeable. 

She was a slender woman. Skinnier than Megan could ever achieve. Her hair dark with a slight wave as it cascaded across her shoulders. She was beautiful. Megan couldn't help but feel insecure in that moment and she didn't know why. 

Megan was happily married. Alex and her hadn't talked in years, they both had moved on. A small mumble pulled her out of her head. 

"Hey love, are you okay, you look like you're in your head," Michael said coming up next to her.  "Are you over stimulated, we can go get some air outside if you like?"

"Oh I'm okay, just zoned out for a little bit," she replied giving him a quick kiss.

Michael's eyes gazed behind her, "is that Alex?"

She felt a mix of emotions as she looked at him. She was happy to see that he had moved on and found someone to love, but she couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia for their past.

As the night went on, Megan found herself constantly glancing over at Alex and his wife. She noticed that they seemed very happy together, and she couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. She loved Michael with all her heart, but seeing Alex happy with someone else made her wonder what could have been.

Eventually, Alex noticed Megan staring at him and he walked over to say hello. Megan was nervous, but she smiled and greeted him warmly. They exchanged pleasantries, catching up on each other's lives. Alex introduced his wife, who was just as friendly as he was.

Megan couldn't help but notice how beautiful and elegant Alex's wife was. She wondered if she could ever look as put-together as her. But as she looked at her own husband, she realized that she didn't need to compare herself to anyone. Michael loved her just the way she was, flaws and all.

As they moved onto another section of the gala, Michael took Megan's hand and pulled her close. "You look beautiful tonight," he whispered in her ear. "I'm so lucky to have you as my wife."

Megan smiled and leaned into him, feeling grateful for everything they had together. She knew that Alex would always be a part of her past, but Michael was her future. And that was all that mattered.

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