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She wanted all she could have

One thing leads to another

She had a fiance

But she still wanted even more

She freaken deserved the best

If she had the physic the light creamy skin and appearance

Her boyfriend was sweet

Always gave her more

Always there


All hers

But there was no love she got a lot out of him already

Things started to get boring even tiring

She answered his calls less and less

She met him even less than the calls she should answer

She went out on her own

Shopping that made her happy

Along the way after a few shops she found something intriguing

Maybe even what she had been looking for all her life

There was a man dressed to the nines

She watched him

Seeing if he fit what she wanted

He flashed his credit card

No bills

No wallet

Ohh she thought

She could see herself locking arms with him

He dressed to impress

No wedding ring

All alone

And looked glamorous

If a man could be called gorgeous then he was even more than beautiful...

She followed him trying to find out more

He wasn't paying attention

He only had one mission

Buy the suit then go back to the office

Life was repetitive

Then out of the corner of his eye he saw someone looking at him

Mhm someone was curious

Maybe he thought if she approached then just maybe

Out of the shops he slowed down wondering if she would do something or say something

When he was in thought he failed to see that she was crossing in front of him

He ended up hitting her and she stumbled almost falling but his quick reflexes helped him to help her steady

She said sorry looking bashful

He almost believed it but he knew better

It wasn't the first time it had happened

Something about a good suit caused things in women

There she was

After that scene they quickly started to be friendlier to each other

Even making calls and meeting up

Her fiance long forgotten

Before they chose a date she just said it was over


Her ex fiance tried to get her back but she wouldn't listen

He ended up leaving her all alone

You can say he went to lick his wounds somewhere else

He didn't want to lose but a man a real man knows when it's over

She started to get friendlier with the guy she met

Then one day he called her to ask her if she wanted to come over

He hadn't asked her if they were something more than chatting buddies

She went to his place

She rang the bell

No answer

Again she rang


She almost turned around

But at last the door knob started to turn

He lead her in

There she found that it was a luxury home

And all his

She thought, and all mine...

He looked at her

And he saw that she was all his

Another one... He thought

Easy easy like taking a bottle from a baby

It's like they just let themselves in

Darkness filled everywhere except for the kitchen

Candles were lit here and there

Incredible she thought

She could use many of those dates

They finished eating

Then they went to the living room

Soft kisses

Suddenly the lights went out

Only the candles stayed lit

She grew frightened

No one should be there how did the light went out, she thought

He did an almost choked up laugh

Catching himself before she bolted out the door and left

She panicked and tried to leave

It wasn't interesting anymore

How could he almost choke up in laughter

Something was wrong with him

She stood

But he quickly grabbed her hands

Almost trapping her were she was

She tried to pull back but nothing budged

He then said, calm down your fine

I'm here

But his tone wasn't a concerned tone

He sounded... Amused

Like he loved it

He stared her down not losing sight

Fear crippled her

This is not what I wanted, she thought

He could be anybody and there she was amusing him

A sound sounded inside the house

He stepped aside ready to go look

She froze

Just as he went to check she bolted for the door

She got in her car and fled


You never truly know a person...

What if the guy was something else...

Wealth or love...?

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