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Up above above all humans there is a place for only one king

There was talk about the king that ruled the mountains

No one saw him but everyone knew about him

Ferocious, with no second chances

Two guys wanted to test their wits

Just a glance

They are just lies so no one ever reaches the top of the mountains

The other said, come on they are just lies people say what others say

Their wits grew

They will find the top to be just a plain sight of all that surrounds it

They went up

The trees halfway there became rough even slippery

The moss and debris were soaked

It was getting dark

So fast they could swear the sun was still up

They never seen it dim

Sunset was along the horizon

Suddenly a cloud lowered to where they were

It was dark now

An owl howled just before them

Hoot— hoooot

One suddenly slipped almost falling back

Yet he just barely gripped a tree branch

It was breaking from his weight

He almost let go

His buddy screamed

Saying hold on, hold on

He was trying to but the branch was cracking

Just as he thought it would give out on him

His bud grabbed his shoulder and hauled him upwards

His legs trembled

That was close he thought

They both kept silent

They thought the same thing

They should turn back

But their pride in having wits was grander

No, they will suck it up and just get to the top

The owl flew low then left behind them

Was that a sign one thought

No he wouldn't start fearing now

He shut his eyes for a moment then proceeded to walk forward

The other guy thought f* that was too close

What would he have done if he was left alone

They kept silent just trying to reach the top

Then they could just laugh about a scare

It will be something to remember and to talk about

Yeah that's all

As they were reaching the top

Something kept zigzagging behind them by the time they felt the presence it was gone

No, it was just dark

Then something landed on top of them

But what was it

It was hard to see

They found their flashlights and looked

There besides them were bones

It couldn't be an animals

Not when the skull looked human

They almost screamed

But they knew it would just make them look like chicks

They held their mouth closed with their hands

They both looked at each other fear in their eyes

Water dripped out of their nostrils

A branch broke in front of them

Somebody tossed more bones

They ran

One stumbled and slipped

Then rolled down the mountain

The other watched scrapping his arms and face along the way

Then something cut his right leg

He stopped and saw a large wound behind his leg

A gash that made him sick

He started to vomit

His flesh was hanging from his bone

His veins gushed blood

So much blood he couldn't see his skin

Then behind him came the beast

It roared and rose from it's hackles

No one was allowed to enter his home

Not even wander around everyone knew

Now who were these fools to think they could attempt to claim his home

His anger grew

He snapped his jaws at the air

Then lep to the fool

He dropped him and tore his face off

He tore his flesh fast

Then went for the next one

He found him

He was unconscious just laying there waiting for him

Yes, that's good

He loved a chase but a laying prey was something tempting

He paced back and forth

Were should he start

How could he make it painful

They should know better

He then clawed at his back and pulled him to a spot where no one has ever been

Blood gushed out of his back but he was limp

He set him at the spot and turned him around

He growled lowly

Loving the feeling of showing who was king

He dragged his claws from his face down to his belly

He slit him open

They were never worth feasting on

Such foul smell

The smell of fear mixed with helplessness


He left

Some food for the creatures that lived with him

He went back up his mountains ruling above everyone


There are danger zones for a reason

Don't be another casualty

HORROR TALES PRT IIIWhere stories live. Discover now