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The guys took the bottom rooms not wanting to take an extra step

Plus they could call dibs on things

All three separated

Two went behind the kitchen and the other one on the other side of the restroom and living room

Completing their beds they laid to sleep

The first one used the restroom since the lights were off he had to go quickly

He could see himself just a little bit

Even when it was dark he still seemed to radiate

As he turned the mirror lit up for just a second

In it was someone that looked just like him but with a frightened look

As he turned the knob he almost looked back but was distracted with opening the door

He started to feel a bit restless

He couldn't remember if you turn the knob and push out or if you pull inwards

He struggled either way it wouldn't budge

What the heck he thought

Then suddenly it got really quiet

Too silent

He felt odd

Almost like someone else was with him

He could feel his senses awakening

He turned thinking one of the guys was playing with him

But no one was there

Then the door opened

Another guy was there and he got spooked

But not as much as the guy in the restroom

He felt his heart elevate too rapidly

He had to hold his knees to catch his breath

The other guy then said, oh man I didn't know you were still in there it was quiet... my bad

To that he said, no, man it's okay it was just me just let me catch my breath I feel tired

The other guy then said, yeah sure I feel you I feel tired too

He then left to his room

Odd he thought

What the heck was that

Ah who cares it probably was just his nerves

Yeah it might just be that it's just him

HORROR TALES PRT IIIWhere stories live. Discover now