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The second guy

Days went by

Just after dinner he stepped outside

Everyone knew he could get lost for hours

Night came slowly

The sun was still ...there

He went to a new section of the land

Something about finding new places

Or maybe it was that he loved to search

Even he didn't understand that part of him

He went around trees under trees and if he could create a map he might see he was creating his own roller coaster

Just as he thought the sun would help him in his quest it was like it just tossed him into night

Too much for slow

Maybe in the beginning it was slow

Ah who cares no one was around

He stepped on twigs and dried leaves

And he heard the animals scurrying until he reached an end

He almost just fell off

It was like a ditch or a cliff

Too dark to see or know

He had his light from his phone on

As he lit his way he barely caught himself thanks to his quick thinking

Just as he thought that he saw his phone it was low too low to even continue

Just as he turned his phone it shut off

No—nnnno!!! He shouted

Too late

That's when everything went completely quiet

The silence made him feel deaf

His blood quickly pulsed

He almost crumbled

Fear gripped him tightly

Like a child not knowing where their mother went

He felt lost and despair

He almost was desperate to run but he felt that would do no good for him

Instinct kicked in

Flight or flee

He took a few seconds to relax he sensed it then

Like he was prey

There was a predator out there

For no reason do the animals quiet down

Not even the owls hooted

The wind didn't whistle

Nor did it pass by

He turned

Something landed on his shoulder

He felt for it

But he didn't feel anything

He tried to calm down again

But then what touched him gripped him from the back of his neck

He shouted

Horror ran through him

It burned where it touched him

He began to fear

His mouth wouldn't close properly his eyes wouldn't stay open

He didn't want to know

He didn't want to see

It could be his last breath

Tension struck him

Whatever held him then pulled him

He lost his footing

The thing dragged him

There he was crying out of fear

Trembling for not being able to do a thing

He kept shouting but no one heard

Maybe his screams went on deft ears

He didn't understand

With all of the adrenaline rushing up he passed out cold

He awoken with a start

Somebody was taring at his legs

He opened one eye trying to see but he couldn't

The pain was excruciating

He almost passed out again

Then he saw it

His eyes almost buldged out

How was it possible

This things not human he kept repeating over and over like a melody he couldn't stop

The thing had a face that looked like it had three faces in one

It's finger nails were sharp like knives

The thing that stood out was it's teeth

So long and sharp

Did it even have eyes

The thing felt soul-less

Almost lifeless

Was it even real

It gripped his chin making him face him

But his instincts said —DON'T

But the thing tighten it's hold

He cut back a painful scream

The thing knew and he gave off a wicked smirk

He could've passed out again but he couldn't not when he could feel the pain

It's nails dug at his jaw

He could feel the liquid fall towards his neck

The pain

Suddenly everything went dark

Maybe it was something inside of him that wanted to escape

Then he felt as someone pressed at his chest

He didn't want to open his eyes

But then he heard voices

He slowly opened his eyes

There where his companions

They were worried because they didn't see him in his room for two days

But there he was not even half a mile away

Laying there under some trees like he passed out drunk

He didn't want to think of what had happened to him

Nobody should know

He just had to leave— quickly before that thing came back

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