Chapter 5: Things that you never regret

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So the thing between them didn't go any further.After many months,one random day occurred when Blair suddenly knocked Arlo and asked him about everything.She liked Arlo since the beginning but couldn't ever say it to him.So she finally asked him while talking about everything.She thought she could change Arlo's mind by revealing everything she feels for Arlo-

'I wanted to ask you something "

"Ask away"

"I liked you since the moment I met you.I liked you so much Arlo.I still like you you know?"

"Knew it.Blair, listen up..."

"You're gonna say no?"

"I can't be with you"

"Why?What does Sarah have that I don't?What have you seen inside her?"

"Please let it go"

'No I would keep saying it until you tell me the fucking reason Arlo"

"Drop it"



"Arlo,I...I didn't know"

"Shut your damn mouth and leave.I don't give a damn about your feelings."

"I'm sorry Arlo,I didn't know"

Arlo realised what he just did.His problem is increasing again.He did something he didn't mean to

"I'm extremely sorry Blair, forgive me please I didn't mean this"

"It's over for us.I won't bother you anymore I promise.Farewell Arlo"

Blair didn't say anything again.Blair was terrified.She couldn't say anything more.She understood that Arlo loved Sarah and Sarah only.Her love had no meaning to him.She was broken into several pieces.She cried and ran away from there.

A few months had passed after that incident.Everything faded away like it never existed.

Except Arlo's feelings for Sarah and what he did with Blair that day.He probably never forgave him for that.

After Blair left Arlo that day,Arlo's condition worsened.He lost all control over himself and became suicidal.Arlo would often feel disgusting and blame himself for his own condition.After everything ended, Arlo was sad.He wanted to understand everything better but failed.He asked himself.He also answered himself but the answer was unknown to everyone.None of his lovers understood him.They didn't even try.What they did was sympathy for show.

This was Arlo's last message to himself.He kinda closed everything after this.He became a living stone without any feelings for anyone.He truly loved Sarah.He longed for her.She didn't give him a chance to be with her together till the end.She didn't trust his love.She never loved him at all.She threw him away like he was some toy.He couldn't realize that Sarah didn't feel the same for him.Sarah was the one to blame for this.Yet he took all the blame for himself.

Many would wish the story would end this way.

Many days later Arlo was sitting in a cafe.he saw a couple.He started feeling the same way he felt when he came here for the date with Sarah.When the girl went to order the coffee,Arlo curiously asked the guy about their relationship.

He returned home.He was thinking again.He was shocked by something.

"If the story that guy told was true that would mean...."Arlo questioned himself"I could fall in love again?With the right one?With the one destined for me?"he questioned again.

He reached where he wanted.He found the answer.

He wrote a letter to himself which states all this-
"Forgive me Sarah,but I can't keep my promise anymore.You didn't keep it.You went away with someone else and abandoned me.So I'm gonna do the same.I would find someone better than you and do everything with her which I didn't do with you.I promise this to myself.I would find my"The girl".I hope you realize who you lost someday.I loved you yet you couldn't realize.Your excuse was pathetic just as mine.Im not the only one to blame,In fact I never was.I loved you unconditionally but you couldn't even understand that.If you loved me back, you'd have come back to me without any hesitation.This hurt me Sarah.This made a scar you hear me?
From the guy you didn't love

Many say,after that day, Arlo changed.Of course his disease didn't fade away but he found the will to live again.This time not for others,but for himself.

This story ends here.The pain inside completely vanished.This is how this world works.Even god knows this.

But the questions will always remain unanswered.
Did Arlo really move on?
Was he able to forget Sarah?
Or his unconditional love still existed, waiting to come out someday?In next life?The answer would pretty much be the hardest thing in this universe to guess.

Thanks to everyone who read this story completely and indirectly supported me to continue writing.I hope in future I'd give my supporters more interesting stories and make their day.Thank you for the support.Means a lot to me.Follow me to get connected so that you can get stories whenever I publish,or if I ever publish again cause you guys are too lazy to support.Just kidding


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