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For The Reason of The Soul I am
my mom

I know you think that I hate you
Or it's just me who feels you do
I never wanted to hear nor see you in tears
It just hurts that it's me who triggered your fears

You hurt me too that's why
Yet it tightens my heart when I knew
The love will die and never will it grow
Only to the stars I wished

For my mother to hear what my heart beats for
Not just the words I didn't intend to say
Out of pain I never wanted to relay
And mark regret on a heart to repair

To love myself is not selfish
Still just for you I'd be selfless
I hate him for a moment when he yells
Breaking your heart into fragments

Eyes wailing when you weep
Even the words I utter deep
I just pray you'd feel the tone
To let you know that I want to erase your sorrows


Written: February 25, 2023
reinexquisite soul in pages

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