Chapter 5

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-onew's POV-

I slowly woke up as i felt something heavy on my arms. I saw taemin peacefully sleeping. I brush off some strands of his hair that blocks his eyes to have a full view of his face. He started moving- seems my little action cause him to wake up. His eyes started to open; i watch how his hand formed into fist as he rubbed his eyes.

"wakie..wakie" i whispered.

I saw how his lips curled into a smile and i couldn't stop myself to give him a peck. "are you hungry?" i asked and he gave me a nod. "kaja.." i said as i helped him up. I know he'll have hard time walking because of his sore. I even helped him with his clothes as if he was a five year old child. He was limping as we both reached the door.

"ah~ taemin ah~ the key?" i asked.

"what key?" his brows furrowed.

"taemin ah~ the card key we used to insert in the security lock" i answered back. "i.. i don't have it" he pouted. "you're kidding right? Ha.Ha.Ha" i sarcastically laughed. "now, give me the key" i went back to normal. "h-hyung, i don't really have it" as i heard him i started to panic.


We still need that key to open this two sided security lock. Right then i remembered that i left it outside. "oh my gaahd~ the key!" i face palmed myself. "key!" now it's taemin's turn. "we need the key!" i tugged on his shirt.


I’m wondering if the three would notice our disappearance and would try to find us. Though i know jonghyun will be the last one to notice it, i hope key and minho won't be like him. "keeeey" i screamed.

"keeeeeeey hyuuuung!" i heard taemin shouted and tried to shook me.

"key hyung! help!" he kept shouting.

Just then i realized i was lying on the cold tiles. I glanced at the door, its open. What? Open? How did that happen? "hyung, hyung? Gwaenchanhayo?" i saw taemin with concerned look. But i noticed how puffy red his eyes are- just like what i saw earlier. This is a déjà vu, eh?

"hyung? I found you lying on the floor and i guess you're having a nightmare and y-you have a fever" taemin rested his palm on my forehead. "a dream.." i whispered. "hyung?" he asked confused. The next thing i know, i found two shadows run towards our direction and everything went black.

-end of onew's POV-

-minho's POV-

I don't know how long i stayed here in the kitchen. I can feel my back aching from the sudden impact of my skin on the counter. I’m sure there's already a purple or blue mark there. But i don't care, what hurt most is, seeing taemin's eyes shed tears. He doesn't deserve this. I’m such a fool! I let my emotions take over me, if i could only turn back the time.

I should have taken it slow- but damn! How can i take it slow if every time I’ve seen him, i have this adrenaline rush? I know before, i take it just nothing but this funny feeling seems to grow fast. I really need to.. to.. talk to someone. "jonghyun hyung" i pumped my fist. I know hyung can help me. He even helped me before- i can't stop blushing as the thought of that day replayed on my mind.

"psh! Enough of that minho!" i shook the thoughts out of my head.

I slowly walked out of the kitchen and went to 'their' room. I was about to open the door but i remember the last time incident. I don't want to be nagged by key hyung again so I leaned my ears on the door. I heard the same noises, just like before. I can't help but blush again. I felt jealous on jongkey.

Not that i ‘like’ one of them but because they are real. I want 2min too. [a/n: gaaahd!] I know some of the fans like skin ship between us members while some of them find it weird. But what if they're on our shoes; will they understand what we felt? Living with someone that you felt comfortable, making you felt love and teach you how to love.

But the painful thing is, you wanted to show how much you love him and that everytime you take your step forward he takes his step backward. Maybe this is really a bad timing. "urgh! onew hyung.." i turned my heels towards onew hyung's room. I tried to knock but there's no answer. Is he sleeping? Should i knock again? Curiosity hits me so i turned the knob. It's open. I looked around and when I’m sure the vicinity is clear, i sneaked inside his room.

I made sure i locked it from the inside. He told us not to sneak on his room so I’m a bit guilty about this. I traveled my eyes on his desk and to his bed. But what caught my eyes was his poster- onew and jonghyun hyung. I remembered this photo shoot but they don’t even given us a copy like this- like this poster.

I shifted my gaze on his bed side table and a picture of him with his chicken. As i remember this was taken during our Mexicana CF. A smile crept on my face as i remember those days- during our Hello Baby days. I noticed how his things are piled into their cases. He really likes his things organized, his books, his clothes and his bed. I sat on the corner of his bed as i traveled my eyes on every corner of his room.

My eyes started to feel heavy as i laid my back on his bed. The sky blue paint of the wall and ceiling makes me felt at ease. I slowly shut my eyes and a picture of SHINee back to our pre-debut days, where all is fine, not a single worry. A small curve was plastered on my lips as a slideshow of happy faces of onew hyung, jonghyun hyung, key hyung and taemin flashed on my head as i slowly drifted to sleep.

~key hyung! Help!~

"taemin!" i jumped off the bed but before i could reach the door, unluckily i tripped at the floor. Everything went into slomo, my face slowly closing the gap between me and the cold tiles. Everything seems blurry and then- blackout.

-end of minho's POV-

-jonghyun's POV-

As i heard Taemin screaming for help, I hurriedly went off the bed. Key woke up at the sudden movement of the bed.

"wae?" he asked.

"taemin needs help" i said as i put on my clothes.

"bwo!" he stood up and picked up his clothes. As soon as we put on our clothes we went to the direction where i heard taemins voice- which leads to the 'stock room'. We rushed inside and saw taemin on the floor while onew was on his lap.

"hyung, onew hyung is sick" taemin with his teary eyes.

"jjong come on! Help me, let’s bring him to his room" key pulled my shirt.

"arasso, but where's minho?" i prepared myself to piggy back onew hyung.

"taemin ah~ where's minho?" key asked.


 We exchange gazes as we looked at our maknae. Something is up with them. I bet key thinks the same as he signaled me to hurry. Onew hyung is so heavy. Where's minho when you needed him?

-end of jonhyun’s POV-

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