I'm a v-vampire? cool!

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Annyeonghaseo! I'm Son NaEun (Apink member)

I'm now 16 years old, last month Umma and Appa told me a secret that they thought I could hardly accept it


"NaEun honey, I know this is surprising but..." mom looked at dad

she thought that this is the right time to tell her because she saw that Naeun's eyecolor are starting to change

"... My dear NaEun, you are not what you think you are... "

"…Not a normal human..." Appa stopped and looked at me

"...you're a vampire and next month you will study at Vampire High... sorry for keeping it a secret to you honey" They looked at me wondering what my reaction will be

"You can react now dear" Umma smiled

"I knew it! I knew it!" I jumped in excitement

My parent's reaction were like O.O

"Huh? What do you mean dear?" They asked me

"My classmates said that I have incredible speed so a year ago I secretly tried finding my powers if they do exist...but until now I can't find it" I am happy and at the same time sad that my parents kept it from me, but I don't hate them

"You aren't mad dear? We kept it from you" Appa asked me with worried face

"I will never be mad with you appa and Umma, you two are the best parents I ever had!" With that I hugged appa and Umma

Her parents look at each other when they heard ' You two are the best parents ever' and frowned but they must keep it a secret so she won't break down and it's for her own good

/end of flashback/

"First day of school~" I hummed and put on my uniform, it looks so fashionable and it is totally my type! I love on how this uniform fit perfectly on me, actually everything I try on looks good on me. I'm so lucky~

I carried my bag which is color pink and just let my hair down

I took a last look at the mirror and smiled widely

I saw my parents eating breakfast and it's my favorite! Its bibimbap! If your wondering why I love human food, its because I was used to them and I don't want to taste any blood because it makes me want to throw up

After I ate, I washed my plates and bid goodbye to my parents "bye appa! Bye Umma!" I kissed their cheeks as I saw a bus outside.

If you're wondering why my skin won't burn, it is because the long sleeved uniform has a shield spell that protects our skin. Cool huh?

"Name please?" A lady who looks like she is in her 7000's asked but she can easily pass a 20 years old human being

"Son NaEun " I answered as easy as 1,2,3

"Sit at the fifth row left side"

"Ok ma'am " I walked and no one is there. I can see others in two's maybe whoever will sit beside me will be here soon

I looked out the window and I forgot to tell you, we are in a world where there is humans and vampires , we need to keep our identity since humans totally hates us and will burn us. Since there is a portal that separates us from the human world, made by our ancestors for our protection, me and my family just moved here a month and a week ago

I fixed my uniform and saw the logo of the school at my right collar it reads 'VH' and it looked fancy

I looked outside the window and it is like the same from the human world, except here it's much darker and there is no such thing as corruption because as you can see, every president will send a group of 20-50 vampires and send them to where humans live and they will kidnap 100-500 humans every year to fill our thirst

But I'm never drinking blood! The smell and the sound of it just makes me wanna throw up

The bus stopped and a guy entered this time, he caught my attention, he looks so… perfect

"Name please?" The same woman asked him

"My name is Oh Sehun"

"Please sit..."

I didn't listen further I know he won't even sit beside me so I took my earphones and listen to music

I was enjoying until someone pat my back. I looked to my left and saw...












The guy who made my eyes widen in shock, the guy who you can fall in love as you first saw him

"I'm Oh Sehun, nice to meet you. What's your name?" He asked with a smile

My face is like O0O yea...my mouth was formed an 'o' shape

"Excuse me please sit down Oh Sehun. The bus will start moving" the same girl that asks me informed Sehun

"S-son NaEun...my name is Son NaEun" I extended my right hand so we can shake hands

"Nice to meet you Son NaEun, what a pretty name for a pretty girl like you " My feels! I smiled showing my perfect white teeth

"Nice to meet you to" I think I'm blushing how hot he is right now! I need oxygen!


Annyeonghaseo readers! This is my second vampire fan fic of EXO. Please support and dent forget to vote! ^^

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