EXOM to the rescue?

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(ExoM's pov)

"Hey, do you guys smell NaEun's scent?" Luhan asked

"Yeah... I smell it to.." Kris started to look around

"Hey what's that purple light in the school?" Lay pointed to where it was comming from

"Let's check it" Tao and the rest sneaked

"What is that?" Lay asked pointing to the purple thingy and boys carrying a girl that looks like NaEun...wait....NaEun?!

"Hyung! The portal! Its closing!" Xiumin said as the four guys went in

"They are evil! I thought our parents killed every evil being here?" Luhan asked as he heard the thoughts of the evil vampires

"They went in the portal! Tao! Use your powers to stop time! Here wear this" Chen handed Tao a ring? Ok then...

"Hyung hurry! The portal is getting smaller" Luhan panicked

"Hold on to me" Tao told ExoM and used his powers. Good thing the portal is the size of a thigh

"How are we going to fit in there?" Kris asked

"Miracle " Luhan tried getting In and tadah! He fit it

After some time later~

"Kris! Put you leg up so you can fit inside!" Lay and the rest were already at the other side of the portal for more than 10 minutes already

"Finally! I'm too cool for that portal to touch me" Kris wipe off invisible dusts

"Now can we go? Look! I think this pace wasn't affected by Tao's power" Chen asked looking around

"Where can she ... they be?" Luhan looked around and there wasn't any noise and it was dark

"Kris hyung, can you make small fire?" Tao asked getting scared


"Woah! ...what is this place?" Kris asked

"Hell I guess" Lay saw a lot of demon carvings on the walls

"Look! There are four paths... Tao use you powers to know where they went" Lay suggested

"They went here" Tao lead everyone to the third path

Lay: I sense something. Do you guys sense it too?
Kris: so it is not only me who sense it
Luhan: let's hurry, I can't hear other's thoughts yet
Tao: please dont talk too loud *whispers*
Chen: well sarreh *whispers and mocks*
Kris: I think my fire is getting weak *power gets weak*
Xiumin: ya! ! Did anyone of you just lick my neck?
Lay: ask Chen, I didn't do anything
Xiumin: Chen! Did you just lick my neck?
Chen: Aniya, why would I even waste my saliva to you?
Luhan: Min Hyung?
Xiumin: huh?
Luhan: did you just pinched my butt? Cuz I know you always do that *glares*
Xiumin: why would I? I'm so freaked out right now and why would I even do that to you at this time? Kris, can you brighten up your light? I can't see anything anymore
Tao: wait.... I can't see anything... ya! Who is breathing on my neck?! Stop it ok?
ExoM: we didn't
Kris: ok. This is getting creepy now
Lay: please lay off your hand whoever is holding my waist!
Tao: Hyungs! Stop holding my left ankle! You're creeping me out!
Chen: *suddenly got captured by someone*
Tao: *was grabbed by someone or something*
Luhan: *someone put their hands to Luhan's mouth and snatch him from ExoM*
Lay: Kris Hyung, where are Chen, Tao and Luhan? *freaked out*
Xiumin: Pranking us I guess *was suddenly kidnapped from ExoM*
Kris and Lay: O.O *saw Xiumin getting kidnapped * run!

(AN: It is like at the music video of TVXQ/ DBSK Mirotic. they get kidnapped right? Just watch the video above or at the side whatever device you are using so you'll know^^)

"Stay away from walls Lay!" Kris said while running

"Got it!" Lay run right behind Kris

"Ha! Take that you demon!" Kris kicked the person's face

"Lay! Ride my back! I'll fly" remember Kris's power can call fire phoenix ? From the Mama MV

Lay rode Kris's back and they flew until.

























A hand shadow pulled Kris's leg so the two of them started crashing down. Knocking them unconscious


Here ya go! Sorry for letting you guys wait so long~

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