Meet Ms. Evil

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(Unknown evil person's pov)

Hmmm... they think they can just save her after what they have done to me? Na-ah~

I want to make them suffer first before they see their soon to be princess suffer

I forgot to introduce myself. It doesn't matter if you know who I am , actually I was once their princess and the twelve of them fell in love with me


"Oppa!" I saw Kris oppa at the park

"What is it my Princess?" He asked

"Nothing. I'm feeling quite lonely today" I did some ayego. At that time I was still pretty, my hair curled at the end, skin so smooth and soft, eyes that looks so cute and a cute small lips. I used to have everything but until EXO killed my father once they found out where I live and when they knew about it. My dad is the leader of the evil vampires and I don't mind, I just continue being sweet and kind but EXO just killed my father! My dearest father!

/End of flashback/

He is the only one I'm left with but they killed him! In front of my once innocent eyes! Someday I want to take my revenge where they have their princess and that moment is right now.

I've got their future princess and I'm going to make her a bait so EXO will come and fall in to my trap.

For the past three years, they thought I'm dead but they're dead wrong! Yes they see me die in front of them but I was holding a life potion with me and I open it alittle incase when I die, I can be resurrected again

"Aww...their princess looks so cute " I traced her pretty jaw line and touched her flawless skin. I was once used to be that pretty

Appa told me before he died
"Kill them for me my daughter , show no mercy"

I made Exo separate , I am behind their bad lucks. And I'm pure evil and I'm not the happy go lucky Chesca anymore

Chesca was once my name but here they ,know me as Queen Chesca. The evil and powerful vampire

Now time to use this petty girl's body *evil laugh*

(ExoK 's pov)

"Hyung, are you sure you got her real number? She isn't answering " Suho asked Chanyeol

"Yeah, I'm sure with it. Maybe she left her phone or something" Chanyeol thought

"Prabably. Lets go to the garden. I want some fresh air" Kai took kyungso with him

"Hyung, I feel like I'm being watched" Sehun told Chanyeol after three minutes

"Come on, maybe it is because you play too much games with your phone" Suho joked

"Hmmm... maybe. Lets go play soccer" Baekhyun suggested

"Sure!" Chanyeol, Sehun and Suho agreed


"Me and Suho are team mates" Chanyeol said

"So that means me and Baekhyun are team mates then" Sehun smirked

"One giant and one dwarf there and same goes here. Its fair already" Chanyeol was mocking Baekhyun and Suho's height

"Ya! How rude!" Baek kicked a rock

"Call me short but I've got the looks and money here" Suho laughed

"Yeah right. Let's start!" Sehun jumped up and down


"Ha! Take that dwarf!" Chanyeol kicked the ball into the opponent's net

"Ya! I'm your team mate!"- Suho

"Oops... sorry haha. Peace" Chanyeol made a peace sign

"Hey! Guys! This bracelet is familiar…is it Naeun's bracelet?" Kyungsoo was holding a girl's bracelet

"What now?" -Sehun asked impatient

"Awhile ago we saw- oh, hi Naeun!" Kai laughed it out

"Hi guys!" The evil witch disguised as NaEun

"Wow. So can you be our princess to beat EXOM?" Baekhyun asked

"Well sure Baekhyun oppa" The witch said happily

"Wait... how did you know my name?" Baek asked

"Oh... I've did some research I guess" Chesca, the witch said

"Wow! So, do you want us to tour you around?" Chanyeol went forward, volunteering

"No thanks Yeollie . I've made friends here already" -Chesca

"Wow. You sound like Chesca" Suho whispered

"Uh-oh... I shouldn't be caught" Chesca thought

"Me? Who is she? I bet she looks pretty" They shouldn't know

"Oh. No one. Maybe just a name I came up with"- Suho

"Can you guys help me with this project?" Say yes!

"Project? On the first day of school?" Kai asked

"Yeah... you know..." think think think!

"Oh! The research about our vampire ancestors??" Sehun asked

"Y...yes. that's the one. How stupid of me" phew. Sehunnie is really dumb huh?

(Sehun' s pov)

I can sense something fishy here. We don't have a project to research about anything today.

"Wait. I'll just go to the rest room. I need to go" I reasoned out

"Sure" we made eye contact. Why is NaEun's eyes a little purple? Like Chesca's

Wait... her attitude! Her eye color, the way she knows Baekhyun. And the way she calls Chanyeol hyung!

I need to warn and ask help from EXO-M's Luhannie

I went to contacts and search for Luhan hyung. I know I shouldn't have his number but I knew something like this would happen




"Hey! You just reach Lulu the deer. If you don't have anything good to say, hang up already. I have no time to speak to you. If you have something worth it to say please say it after the beep sound. Good day!"

Crap! Voice mail! -.-


Have any of you guys really have something important to tell a person but ended up in their voice mail or answering machine?

Me: thrice and I was so pissedXD

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