Seven Can do The Job

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"Queen Chesca! A spy!" Luhan shouted

"A spy? Well chase them!"

Ryewook used his speed to bring everyone safe and Heechul made a spell to block their minds so Luhan can't hear their thoughts anymore

"They're gone" Luhan shouted in frustration

"Maybe it's just a bug Luhannie. Lets go back" Chesca has a plan

(Suju, Kai and Sehun's pov)

"That was close. How can we save Exo and our princess?" Kai walk around in circles

"Wait... Hyung. Remember the time when you transformed into a ghost?" Kyuhyun ask Heechul

"Oh yeah.. why?"

"Since Luhan can't hear ghosts thoughts..."

"That means we can control our hyungs" Sehun flashed an evil smile

"But we're just seven and we need to save 10 Exo members" - Zhoumi

"Hyung. You can have three yous right?"

"You mean Hyung can have minions that look like him? How will you control them?"

"Every move they do will be from my command " Heechul smiled

"We're ready!" Everyone cheered and were transformed


(Luhan's pov)

I can't control myself! I'm like trapped in someone's body!

"Queen Chesca! A spy!" Suddenly I shouted

"A spy? Well chase them!" I don't know who is controlling my body but all I know is that Chesca is the one forcing me what I'm doing


"Maybe it's just a bug Luhannie. Lets go back" aish! Can she stop calling me that? Only NaEun can call me that. And this witch can't hug me! Eww! I'll remind myself later to take three baths to make her scent go away! That's if we escape from her spell. Help me! Wait.. no new can help us. But I notice Sehun and Kai are not in EXO-K

Please save us if you two are not yet caught I beg you

Speaking of NaEun... where is she?

"Luhannie, you go guard the princess okay?" NaEun!

"Yes my lady" why can't I control on how I speak or move?

"P..Pretty boy! Help! Help me!" That's NaEun!

Why can't I turn my head to the right? This sucks

"Please. I know this is not you. The way you treat me when I first saw you is completely different from what you act right now-"

"Shut up or I'll beat you up"

That is not me. I swear I won't even say that to any girls

(NaEun' s pov)

3 hours ago~

I opened my eyes to see the guys that greeted me

I woke up feeling weak and dizzy.

Who is this girl? Why is she laughing evily and holding a... is she casting a spell on them? God help me

While she is busy I made my escape...


She caught me... her helpers caught me

"Queen Chesca. Your prisoner is trying to escape"

"So.. you're awake huh? Well... guess what" she got some blood from me and wow. She looks just like me. Except she has purple eyes while I have brown.

"Lets see if your Prince charmings are coming to save you" evil witch

What's up with her? What did I and we do wrong?

"Come here you useless slave" she pulled a girl maybe older than me and they disappeared under the twilight room

I can't move now. I hate that witch. I need to find my real power... now!


Oh... so that's why Luhan and the rest of EXO were acting weird (except Kai and Sehun)

They were being controlled


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