Mommy's Turn

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"Wake up Coco, wake up." My mom was trying to wake me up since we didn't have school the rest of the week. She's supposed to hang out with me, Aaron, and Amara. Tomorrow daddy is supposed to hang out with us. Wednesday Mike is coming home early in the morning and is supposed to hang out with us. Thursday Candy is coming to hang out with us and Friday I'm "hanging" with my friends. "I'm up I'm up" I said irritated. " Breakfast is ready go get ready for our mommy day." She explained and left to go downstairs. I got of bed and wait straight to the shower.

I was chomping down Aaron, Amara, and my favorite breakfast. Eggs, Bacon, Waffles, Pancakes, Sausages, Corn bread, and blueberry muffins. As mom was washing up all our plates she asked, "What did we want to do today. We all blurted out,"MOVIES!" She jumped surprised. "Well ok let me just get some clothes on." Mom went up stairs to go get dressed and we all pulled out our phones. Aaron was on vine, Amara was on kik texting boys, and I was on Instagram.

"What movie do wanna watch?" Mom asked us as she glued her eyes to the rode. "Unfriended." I replied. "Twins?" Mom questioned them. "Fine by me." They said together. Mom turned up the music and dad's song So Sick was on the radio. We all sang along,"Gotta change my answering machine, now that I'm alone. Cuz right now it says that we, can't come to the phone. And I know it makes no sense, cuz you walked out the door. But it's the only way I hear your vice anymore. It's ridiculousit's been months and for some reason I just can't get over us." We didn't know all the lyrics so we just hummed until the chorus,"And I'm so sick love, so tried of tears. So done with wishing, you were still here. Said I'm so sick of love songs, so sad and slow. So why can't I turn off the radio?"

Before we knew it we were in line getting our tickets. "Thank you for dining with Studio Movie Grill hope you enjoy." The lady at the front desk said. We were sitting down eating pizza,nachos,popcorn,and soda. We ain't even realize the movie started.

"That was a great movie." Aaron said. "Thanks mom!!!" we all said. "No problem, who's gonna help me cook for your dad when he comes home tonight?" Mom asked. we all raised our hands. "Good cause I have to stop at the farmers market to get the ingredients." We were off to the store. Mom each gave us a list of what to get. I was making the fruit kabobs so I has to get..... Sticks, Watermelons, Pineapples, Apples, Strawberries, Grapes, Pears, and Cantaloupes. Amara was making the salad so she had to get the Lettuce, Tomatoes, Croutons, and Ranch. Aaron had to get the items for fried chicken, the drumsticks,pepper,onions,vinegar,and seasoning. Mom was making the macaroni and cheese plus the rice.

We had reached the house, finished cooking, and started setting the table. "DING DONG" Mom went straight for the door. Of course it was dad. She gave him a kiss and we all attacked him with hugs and kisses. "Well hello to you too!" Dad screeched. We sat him down at the table said grace and we all dug in. "This is really good Stacy, you made this really well," a Dad said with his mouth full. " I had a little help as she smirked at us. "Thumps up kids." " Thank you daddy"

We had finished eating and we're catching up with mom. "I really had a fun time, thanks mom." I said. "Me too" Amara and Aaron stated. "Your welcome kids." Mom said in a laugh. " Go to bed you have a long week ahead of you." "Night mom night dad."

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