In Beginning

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"How many times do I have to tell you to stop coming home late!" Your mom screamed at you."Huh, how many Aaliyah Michelle Brooks!" When she said your whole government name you knew she was pissed. "Once.." You replied. "Do you have anything to say for yourself.?" "I'm sorry mom." As your mom rolled her eyes," Go upstairs." You slammed your door shut and plopped on your bed, took out your phone and started scrolling down Instagram."RING RING!!!" Becca was calling you. "Hello?" "You got in trouble?" "Yeah, u?" "Unfortunately" "So wassup." "Nothing u" "Same." " U know we got a quiz tomorrow in math." I frowned. " U act like I care?" "I was just informing you.oh, almost forgot we got an order from the boss talking about we need to be there tomorrow at noon." I shrugged. "Alright I'll be there, bye." "K,bye." Ugggghhhh why does everything have to be so hard? I thought. My ideas we're interrupted by a knock at my door." KNOCK KNOCK" "Come in!" It was Amara. "What do you want Mara?" I asked. " Willow wants to go shopping, can you drive?" I sighed. "Sure, go get ready."She smiled.

I got ready to go shopping. As soon as I was done we were off in the car. I turned on the radio and my song Truffle Butter was on." Uh, thinking out loud. I must have a quarter million on me right now. Hard to make a song 'bout something other than the money. Two things I'm 'bout is talkin' blunt and gettin' blunted. Pretty women are you here, Are you here right now, huh?" I was interrupted by Amara. "I'm gonna tell mom you listening to this nasty song." "Soooo plug in your headphones." She just rolled eyes. I just bobbed my head to the music until my part came on "I'm so heartless, thoughtless, lawless, and flawless. Smallest regardless, largest in charge and born in New Orleans. Get killed for Jordans. Skateboard, I'm gnarly. Drake,Tunechi, and Barbie, YOU KNOW!!" We soon reached the mall.

In the mall, Becca called and asked me stop by her house. As I pulled in the driveway I saw Prince, Ray, Roc, Kacey, and Tiana's car. "She better be having squad up in the house." I mumbled to myself. "You're here great." Becca said as I stepped in side.

I sat down in the couch next to Becca. "Well as you know I have brought y'all here for a reason." Becca started. "No we're here for fun!" I stated and everyone laughed. "Anyways, I brought you all here because we have a huge deal. Incognito has a huge dope sell and boss says it's up to us to get their money." "Ain't them the ones that tried to ruin Empire." Prince asked. " Hint TRIED and yes it's them." "Soooo we need a plan, any ideas." Everyone stared at me." What, I'd there something in my face?" Everyone frowned. I groaned," Why do I always have to come up with the plans?" "Just think of one already!" Roc said fed up. "Ok, umm let's see.......we could have two people on the outside with a K46 in hand. A person on the roof to drop in when needed. We need a girl to go in and play a slut to manipulate the Incognito leader in giving her the money. She also needs a body guard. We need a getaway driver and a smart computer person to hack into the security system.. And we need backup." I said. Everyone looked amazed." Oookkkkk, umm me and Prince are gonna be the ones outside. Ray on roof, Aaliyah slutty girl, Roc bodyguard, Tiana getaway driver and Kacey computer technician." Everyone was pleased with their jobs except Aaliyah. "Why do I always have to be the manipulator?" She asked unsatisfied. " Because you're a great persuasive person." Tiana encouraged. I just frowned. Kacey changed the subject, "When does this have to be done?" Becca answered quickly," Friday." Everyone nodded. " See you then Ray said.


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