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"Here, dad" Rue smiled as she brought her dad over a cup of tea. Two sugars and drop of milk, the same as hers.

"Thank you, sweetheart. How did you sleep?"

Rue sat opposite him in the garden chairs, they were watching the spring sun rise. It was still damp and chilly enough to have a light blanket wrapped around her shoulders. The family golden retriever, Buck, was attached to Rue's side as he laid on the floor next to her.

"Really good. I always sleep well when I'm here, away from it all. It was weird not having mum here though"

Rue's dad, Jeremy nodded, "I'm only just getting used to her not in bed with me"

A comfortable silence grew around them as they watched the sun and sipped their tea.

"Darling, what's going on with you? You've been so sad since you arrived. Have you thought about getting therapy since the assault?"

Rue exhaled as she put her tea down, looking at her dad, "it's not just that. It's the investigation, the threats, the invasion of privacy constantly"

"I know that your life is in LA now, but you can come home whenever you want. Just say the word and I get removal men in your apartment right away. You have your friends though, right? I like that Oscar guy and Alexa she's good, she'll fight anyone that wrongs you"

Rue chuckled, "yeah they're good. I'd be lost without them, they're my family over there"

"And what about that older guy, what's his name? Pedro?"

Rue let out a light laugh and her dad let out and knowing sigh, "I know that face. It's the face of a broken heart, huh? What'd he do?"

Rue shook her head, "it's stupid. We aren't even really together"

"Tell me, Rue. I was married for 27 years, I know a little about relationships"

"I overheard him yesterday at work calling me damaged goods" Rue stated bluntly, "it just sucks a lot" she exhaled shakily trying not to cry, "he's really helped me, you know? And I felt like such a burden for so long and he always reassured me I wasn't and-and to hear him say that hurt. I think I love him, too. I thought it was gonna go somewhere" she let out a few tears and her dad leant over the table to grab her hand.

"Coming from a wise man like myself, I think you need to speak with him. Communication is key to any relationship. I'm not saying forgive him, I'm saying hear him out. And baby girl, you are not a burden. I am so so proud to call you my daughter"

Rue wiped her tears and grabbed his hand back, "I think I'm too hurt to be with anyone. Not just hurt from Pedro but the assault and mum, it happened all at once and I don't think I let myself process any of it"

"You do what you feel is right. You have 9 days left here, stay away from social media and Pedro and ground yourself, focus on you. If he likes you like I think he does, he'll wait"


15 missed calls from Pedro❤️
2 missed facetime calls from Pedro❤️
3 texts from Pedro❤️
2 texts from Oski
4 texts from Lex D

Mi amor, please. call me, let me explain
myself. It's not how it sounded. Please, rue.

I love you
Message undelivered

Mi  Amor
I'm really hurt by what you said, pedro. I thought
I Atleast meant something to you.

Mi amor
I was so worried about being a burden and you told me
I wasn't and you lied?

Mi amor
I tried to leave that night on our first date. You stopped me, pedro

Mi amor
I didn't ask for any of this, If I was damaged goods you didn't need to pursue anything with me

Mi amor
Atleast we never made it official, huh

Rue, please. It's not like that.

Read 11:02AM

Pedro❤️ is calling...

Call declined

Maybe it is for the best. I don't want to
carry someone else's problems

Read 11:05AM

Rue, I'm sorry I didn't mean that I was hurt
Message undelivered


Probs my fave chapter but so sad🥹 not much longer left y'all

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