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Pedro was beside himself. He wasn't sleeping, he wasn't eating, he felt like he was going insane. He didn't cry very often but he's cried himself to sleep the last week. He was hurting at the fact that he hurt Rue. He hurt the one person that loved him for him. And he didn't mean to hurt her, but he was upset.

He knew she flew back to LA at some point today. They hadn't spoken since calling things off just over a week ago, and neither of them had been more heartbroken.

"Pedro Pascal open the door this instant" a familiar voice shouted from his front door.

Pedro begrudgingly opened the door to Oscar, who had a bag of groceries in his hand.

"You look like shit" he stated as he walked in and over to the kitchen. "When was the last time you cleaned in here? It's a tip" he sighed, "and when did you last shower?"

"Good to see you too, buddy" Pedro nodded as he shut the door and walked over.

"I'm sorry for coming over like this, but you've been ignoring my texts and I'm just as concerned about you as I am with Rue so I brought you both some groceries and visiting you both" he nodded.

Pedro frowned, "wait, she's back? I thought she flew home today"

"She cut the trip short, came home 3 days ago. The police wanted to speak to her"

"What did they want? I went in last week and gave my evidence"

"I know, that's why they wanted to speak to her. She's gotten the restraining order and they're taking her case to court, it's looking good for her, man"

Pedro felt a weight lift off his shoulders, he exhaled and leant on the island, "thank god. Is she ok?"

Oscar shrugged, "as ok as can be. She's carrying herself well. The press have told her they'll release articles soon when it goes to court. I think the thing that's upsetting her is you. She's heartbroken"

"I regret what I said so much. I don't even know why I said it, I guess I was hurt too" Pedro sighed.

"Maybe try talking to other people" Oscar suggested.



"They're not what I'm looking for"

"Then what is it, man?" Oscar rubbed his face in frustration towards his best friend.

"They're not her" he shrugged.

"But you told her you don't want her!"

Pedro slammed his hands on the island as he stood up, "I lied! She's all I want! She's all I think about, even when I want to forget her! She consumes me when she's not even near me"

A silence fell between the pair and Oscar leant back against the kitchen counter.

"You love her alot, don't you" Oscar questioned.

"More than my life"

"Then what are you doing? Go and get her, speak to her, apologise to her! For Christ sake, you're both working together it's inevitable you'll speak, in character or not"

"She hates me. Rightly so. Everyone told me to give her space"

"Believe me she doesn't hate you. You should've seen her when I went over, she loves you more than she knows how to love. And she looked even worse than you do" Oscar joked.

"You know I was gonna ask her to be my girlfriend when she came back. I had this whole thing planned out for the weekend"

"If you really try, you can still win her back"

Oscar walked over to his friend and grabbed his shoulder, "look, she's on set tomorrow just try and grab her. And seriously, take a shower"

Lifeline. Pedro Pascal Where stories live. Discover now