God damn it.

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Okay class, I'm putting you into pairs today for the end of year project, Mr.Moxie said to the class

I was sitting there tipping back in my chair not fully paying attention when he was putting us into pairs.

"Sprite and Sierra Mist, Mountain Dew and Dr. Pepper Blah, blah, blah"

But then reality snapped back to me with three simple words.

"Coca-Cola and Pepsi"

God fucking damn it.

"MR MOXIE!!" I shouted out almost immediately. "We CAN NOT work together! please for the love of god, let me switch partners" I pleaded

"No, all partners are final, no switching." Mr Moxie replied not even looking up from the paper he was working on.

Why me. What did I ever do to deserve this punishment.

That's when I noticed that Pepsi was standing at the edge of my desk, staring me down.

"Look I don't want to work with you either but I guess we're going to have to suck it up." He said, looking down at his nails making sure they looked good.

We moved to the back of the room and started thinking about what we wanted to do for the project.

"I think we should make a video for it, it would be quick and easy" Pepsi said looking at memes on his computer

"Yeah well I don't want to make a video because then we would have to edit it and that's just a pain in the ass." I said glaring at Pepsi

"Well then what's your idea smart ass?" He said finally looking at me for the first time.

He has kinda cute eyes. What? Why the actual fuck did that though just run through my head.

"I don't fucking know! Maybe we should just write a paper or something! We can work on it at home too then!" I said still thinking about what I just thought.

"Yeah I guess that could work." He said shrugging

Then all of a sudden he grabbed a sticky note and wrote some numbers on it.

He handed it to me and said "here, this is my number so we can talk more about this later, the bells about to ring"

"Oh yeah okay do you want my number-" but before I could Finnish the sentence he got up and walked away.

I looked at the note "(248) 434-5508" he wrote.

I put it in my pocket, got up, and walked to lunch.

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