.Chapter One.

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[A/N: New story!....Yay.... anyway, bare with me, it's a step-brother story; meaning that Frank and Gerard are step-brothers (not blood related in anyway) but if this creeps you out then I suggest not to read and there may be some crappy smut further in the story and self-harm, not bad but there will be warnings...we on the same page? Good, good, you may read now...]

Gerard sighed and stared out of the window that was in his bedroom. He didn't want to go to this thing. It was boring, he knew barely anyone there and another thing; he didn't exactly like people. So being where a ton of them were, was not the perfect way to spend your beloved Saturday. Weddings were always stupid.

...Even though Gerard had never been to one. Though, he had seen them in cliché movies and dramas and read them in stupid romance books.

Don't ask. Gerard regrets what he does when he's bored.

"Mom." Gerard raised his voice, a sudden thought coming to mind. He heard a muffled 'yeah?' Come from across the hall. "Will Mikey be at the wedding?"

Donna appeared in the doorway with a million different bags (not literally, of course) and she smiled sadly. "No...I'm sorry. He went to Kentucky with your dad and his wife this weekend."

Gerard nodded sadly and frowned. Divorces sucked. Mikey chose to go with dad and Gerard stayed with mom, and now, they only see each other on the weekends when they take turns going to the others house. They don't even live in the same city.

"Are you ready, Gerard?" Donna asked, changing the subject. "Your suit and everything?"

Gerard nodded and lazily got up from the chair that he'd placed in front of the window and ran his fingers through his hair once more before following his mom out of the room and down the stairs.

There was a car parked in the driveway and there were two girls waiting in the vehicle. Did he really have to ride to the church with random people? "Who are those people?" Gerard asked his mom who was making her way down the stairs after locking the front door.

"Gerard! Don't point, that's not nice." She looked back, "and those are my friends and this is the only way we're getting there."

"But we have a car." Gerard complained, getting in the backseat anyway. He scowled when the women and girl looked back at him with awe. All Gerard's life, people have looked at him like a fucking prize. All his life he was told he was, and quote; 'very handsome' with his black hair and pale complexion and dark eyes.

Even though, to be honest, the black everything made him look like a vampire. And he never wore anything but black, and sometimes with the exception of red or dark gray and maybe white.

"Don't stare at me." Gerard mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and feeling very self-conscious all of a sudden.

"Gerard, please be nice." Mom sighed.

"No. It's okay, I'd be weirded out if I were him too." The girl giggled and looked back, she had black hair and dark red lipstick. She was wearing a red dress to a little above her knees and black boots.

She was pretty, if Gerard did say so himself. He smiled at the girl, "I'm sorry - and that should mean a lot to you because I don't apologize to much people."

The girl giggled again. "I'm Lindsey."

"I'm Gerard - like my mom said just minutes ago." Gerard chuckled awkwardly and looked down at his hands in his lap.

"Mom! Stop staring and drive." Lindsey told her mom, who hadn't looked away from Gerard.

"Sorry, your just an attractive young man." She smiled and back out of the driveway.

Leaving Gerard to blush and feel slightly uncomfortable in the backseat of the Impala.


Frank tried to do the tie, but gave up and wound up leaving it undone hanging on either side of his shoulders. He hated occasions where he had to dress in something other then his Metallica shirt and converse.

"Frank - do you really not know how to do a tie?" His dad stopped at the doorway of the bathroom and stared at his son with an amused expression before it twisted to a slightly pathetic one. "Fine, I don't know how to do one either."

Frank chuckled and picked up a bottle of gel and put some on his hands and wiped it through his hair. "Do we um...dad?"

Frank stopped and stared at his son. "Frank..?"

"Do we have to move in with her?" He felt a little mean referring to his soon-to-be step-mom but yet he was just a little sour at the moment. "Why can't she move here?"

"Frank- it's not just Donna. She has a son too, you know?" Franklin shoved his hands into his pockets and stared at his son. "His name is Gerard, and their house is bigger."

"Gerard? Seriously? Why haven't we met before?" Frank pressured his dad, even though he already didn't like this Gerard person.

"You were with your mom. Sorry." Franklin shrugged, "now c'mon, we're gonna be late soon if we don't hurry up."

Frank followed his dad down the stairs and past all the boxes that littered the house and out of the house. They got into the car and drove off.

"Dad...have you met Gerard?" Frank asked quietly.

"Yeah, a few times. But other times he was with his dad and brother -"

"Another brother? How much are there?" Frank asked with wide eyes. This was not gonna be some time of circus house where there were to much people living in to small of a house.

"Only two; Gerard and Mikey. Gerard is 17 and Mikey is 15-your age. They're both very nice boys -"

"I don't care if they're nice! I just want to stay in our house, and not have to move into a house where there are three more people whom I don't even know -" Frank was cut off when Franklin put a hand to his sons mouth and the car swerved a little.

He panicked and put both hands on the steering wheel. "Frank. Shut the fuck up and deal with it...since when am I not allowed to be happy?"

"Why should you be happy if I'm not?" Frank mumbled, the scowl on his face deepening.

"Your the one choosing not to be happy. You're being a whiny bitch - Frank, you're my son and I love you, but I'm gonna be straightforward with you."

"I'm sorry!" Frank yelled, wanting his dad to shut up. "Fine, I'll be a respectful little brat and at least pretend to be happy, okay?"

"That's a start..." Franklin sighed and pulled up to the church where only a few people were.

Frank looked to his dad once more before opening the door and pretty much running up to chapel.

"Um...is there a reason why you're in such a hurry?"

Frank stopped, slightly out of breath and turned to face a boy who was hands down the best looking person here.

Weird way to end this, but whatever.

New story, I hope this isn't over used and I hope you like it!

~ Frnkiero and the Lemons

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