Chapter 1

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" 1-A, 1-A, where is 1-A?!" I was racing down the hallway looking for my new classroom.

I was failing at it, too.

"Ah!" I skidded to halt as I read the plate on the door. '1-A'. I opened the door slowly and peered into the classroom. All eyes were instantly trained on me.

"Oh, you must be Areno Saki. Welcome to the class. Please take a seat next to Hikaru... Or was it Kaoru? Oh, whichever one." The teacher gestured towards two identical twins. The way they were grinning at me made me feel wary.

As I sat down they turned to me as the teacher spoke about today's lesson.

"Hello, Saki-chan!" I raised an eyebrow, -chan? Rude. I don't even know them.

Looking past them though, I saw a familiar face. "Hey, I know you!" The boy from earlier turned his head and blinked in realization. "Oh, hi! I saw you on the way to school, right? I'm Haruhi." He smiled at me. This person's grin made me feel welcome.

I smiled back at him, "Saki."

"Are you new?" He inquired.

I nodded. "Yeah. Not really sure what to think of the school yet." We had started up a comfortable conversation across the rude twins.

"It's good for the most. We've got pretty good teachers, lots of clubs and..." he paused, looking like he was thinking "...unique students."

"Really? Huh, what sort of clubs do they have here?" As if on cue both of the twins, which I had already classified as obnoxious, were leaning a little too close to my face.

"Ever heard of personal space bubbles?" I grumbled at them, though I doubted that it would deter them. They seemed like those type of people.

"Nope." They grinned in that suspicious way. "Clubs, huh? We're in the Host club, perhaps you'd like to come sometime?" One said.

"We absolutely love it when we get new guests!" The other continued on.

"So, why not come with us after school and we'll look after yo-"

I cut them both off. "No." I leant back and knocked their heads together in front of me.

"Ouch... that was mean." They huffed at me - I didn't really care; besides, that was sort of the point.

The teacher turned back around and began the lesson, the twins slinking back off to their own seats; thankfully well away from my space bubble this time. I still kept an eye on them, they seemed kind of fishy to me. Fishy cheshire cat twins.

Class continued normally after that.

We had a free 5 minutes before school was over and I could get away from all the intelligence, it was kind of overwhelming as someone who didn't really do well in school. I hadn't really listened during class, and likewise, I didn't really listen when the twins were bugging me about coming to the 'Host club' with them, whatever that was.

I let out a sigh of exasperation with the two demons. "No, but I do rate your efforts at a nine." They looked pleasantly surprised with their 'score.'

"Out of 50."

I stopped listening to the yammering of two desperate twins and began thinking about the manga I'd gotten out of the library last week. I subconsciously reached into my bag to pull it out, only to find it had apparently been relocated to Hikaru's - or was it Kaoru's - hand.

"Hey, I was gonna read that!" I hissed at them, stupid boys stealing my manga.

He eyed the book in a decidedly mischievous manner and a grin played along his face. "Really? That's perfect then!"

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