Chapter 4

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Tuesday already and there were only three days to go until the dreaded beach trip.

Of course, the demons had picked up on my discomfort of the subject and had made a point to mention it as much as possible. Haruhi had gotten them to drop the subject for a while, but I knew that they'd slowly bring it back up again.

"Saki-chan~!" But, Hunny-senpai always seemed to be able to cheer me up, which was kind of a mystery in itself.

"Saki, Saki! Are you really coming to the beach? Hika-Chan and Kao-chan told me!" I face palmed, remind me to annoy them about that when I see them next.

"Yes... Yes I am rabbit." I forced a smile onto my face; those two were so going down.

"Yay! Saki-chan's coming to the beach!" He leapt up and gave me a big hug, wrapping his arms around my neck and I laughed slightly.

"Okay, now you go hop along to class." I set him down and headed towards my next lesson, maths. I didn't like science, I didn't like Japanese, and I most certainly didn't like maths.

It was another beautiful day, when hadn't it been? I kind of missed the rain, really. Everything was so dry and horrible, the gardens outside were having a hard time. I'd been busy most afternoons helping Kasonoda-san, so that gave me a good excuse to not go to the Host club after school. Thank you gardening!

"Hi, Kasonoda-san!" He waved back at me and I sighed, how unfriendly. No enthusiasm.

"Hey, Saki. Have you met Renge yet?" My maths buddy, Ibuki, asked me from out of nowhere. "She's in your homeroom, but I don't think you've actually been introduced." I shook my head in confusion, why was he asking?

"Just letting you know, if you keep on hanging with the Host club you'll probably meet her at some point. She's a bit... eccentric. And she really likes doujinshi." He said.

"Oh, goodie." I was in a bad mood for the rest of maths.

I tapped Haruhi on the shoulder quietly. "Hey, Haruhi, who's Renge?" She seemed to slouch a bit at that question.

"Oh, uh, she's our manager. She's a bit... over the top. Oh, and she's an otaku. And she's loud. And she spreads rumours." Oh. That's just great then, isn't it? Why did the teacher put me next to the Hitachiins and Haruhi... Rather, the twins.

"How about you come to the club after school and you can meet her then." She had pleading eyes; apparently Blondie had been fawning over her again. I feel her pain.

"Sure, it can't end too bad, might as well see what she's like." I shrugged it off.

"Actually, I'm surprised you haven't met her yet, she's in our homeroom after all."

I sat down, didn't listen to a word the teacher said, and just spent the lesson wondering if I would be able to get along with Renge.

I'd heard her name come up a few times in conversation, but it didn't really give me a good idea of whether she was annoying or not, some people seemed to think she was horribly annoying, some thought she was awesome. I should probably been able to tell by what kind of people got along with her, but you never know.

"Miss Areno? Are you listening? Don't lie to me!" The teacher growled at me. Oops, I had forgotten I was in class.

"Well I was going to tell you I was listening, but you told me not to lie, so... Nope, didn't hear a word." I stared at her and she stared back, eventually she seemed to give up and went back to teaching. Well, trying to, she wasn't doing a very good job of keeping my attention.

After another hour or two of failed teaching, school was finally over and I could go meet the famous Renge. Fingers crossed she didn't annoy me to the grave, or rather her grave.

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