Chapter 5

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I was sitting next to Haruhi in the music room after school. She was glaring at Blondie in a decidedly annoyed fashion; I was just watching it all unfold. I looked around the room, uninterested, when- oh- I spy with my little eye a piece of paper on the demons' table.

"Hold on, I'll be right back." Haruhi didn't seem to care. Blondie was trying to convince the not so dear Hitachiins to photo shop Haruhi into some fancy magazine. Actually, why am I even surprised?

I picked up the piece of paper and examined it. It seemed to be some sort of list, the header read:

Ways to annoy Milord, his 'Daughter', and maybe even Saki

The last part seemed like it had been scribbled down a bit later, but that didn't change that they were so going down. I continued reading; maybe I could figure out their plans and make them backfire if I was lucky.

-Rub in the fact we are in the same class


I'd kill them...

-Force him into competitions he'll never win

-Embarrass him in front of Haruhi's parents

-Embarrass him in front of Saki's parents

-Try to get Saki to show emotion (extra points for concern }:D)

"D-Demon twins..." I growled.

They finally seemed to notice that I had changed locations, what they didn't seem to notice was how miffed I was.

"Hitachiins... WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" I flailed my arms and the list around; they finally seemed to catch on to what I was talking about.

"Oh, that's our battle plan." They grinned at me. It was moments like this when I really couldn't tell the difference between them, and I really didn't care. "Well, I guess we'll have to come up with another one now." I'll leave it to you to imagine how scary my face was right then.

"And how, exactly, do you expect to meet my parents? I know I sure as hell ain't giving you my address."

"Well, we were going to ask Kyouya..."

"But I guess the cats out of the bag now!"

I looked at Haruhi, she motioned me over and I complied. She leant over my shoulder to read the list. After reading it she dead panned. Sisters united.

"I swear, if you show up at my house, I will slap you both into next week." I probably would have if they showed up out of nowhere, claiming that Kyou had given them my address. Hey, wait a minute, Kyou...

"Kyouya Ootori!!! If you give these two pervs my address, I will steal your folder and not give it back for a good two weeks! Got it?" Well there we go.

"Okay, see you guys!" I smiled a bitter sweet smile and left the room, slamming the door on my way out.

When I was sure they wouldn't be listening, I let out a sigh. Maybe I should just invite them all over one day, so I can avoid them randomly turning up. But then again, Blondie's a klutz.

I walked down to the garden to spend my remaining time gardening, before leaving for home for the third time that week.


I still kept an eye on the demons, because now that I actually knew what they were planning things, I was even more cautious than before. Haruhi seemed to feel the same way, because she had been sticking close to me all morning. They seemed to have taken the hint that we were expecting something, and hadn't approached us. Is it a bad thing to say that it was too quiet? Because it was, I never knew class could be this quiet! Even with Renge there –who hadn't done any rumour-spreading yet- it was still unusually peaceful.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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