Exes & Oohs

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Today was another day in IMP. No assignment right now, just chilling...until Millie came in and for some reason she's PO'ed and Moxxie attempts in calling her down.

Moxxie: "Millie honey? Everything okay?"

After that, she calmed down a bit.

Millie: "Yeah. Bumped into an Ex."

Moxxie: "Oh...oh."

Millie: "He just kept going on about how and his 💰 now and BRIGHTER future and a BIGGER cock!"

Moxxie: "What?"

Millie: "Everytime I see his stupid face, I just want to..."

Enraged, she punch down a file cabinet.

Blitzø: "WTF is all this noise? I got a client!"

Moxxie: "Don't worry sir I'll get it--What is that?"

He noticed a picture only for Blitzø to snatch it."

Blitzø: "Nothing! It's a research for science! Just get them back in order, alphabetized them."

In his office

Blitzø: "So let me get this straight, you don't want us to go to Earth at all for this job."

Client: "Correct. That will not be necessary. I like to meet you and your whole crew in my estate."

Blitzø: "You want us to kill someone in Hell? I gotta tell ya that ain't exaxtly our business no more. I can however call in a favor."

Client: "I tell ya about it when you're here. It's in regard of your business venture I'm sure it'll be worth your time."

Blitzø: "Ooh how ominous. Fine whatever, what's the address?"

Client: "Transportation has already been taken care of."

Suddenly a purple chopper got Blitzø and his team's attention and start pulling out the building's wall and all of Blitzø's 'research' flew out. That's when he called you.


(Y/N): "Yeah?"

Blitzø: "Hey sport how's it goin'? Listen I need your help on our little job and we'll explain on the way. You got the 'Speed Dial' ready?"

(Y/N): "Hit it."

Blitzø pressed the button without a second thought and in a red flash, here you are, ready and waiting...while holding a picture where your response is...

Hell's Killer (Hazbin Hotel x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now