Chaos In Hell

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(Third Person POV)

During the fight, the blimp was taking some serious damage, causing it to crash land on Pentagram City. You and Cherri Bomb survived along with Sir Pentious and his servants. However the fight was far from over as you continued on your assault at the demonic cobra while the demonic cyclops was about to kill the Egg Bois via another demon she knows is about to join the fray with her.

(Y/N): "No escape, worm!" You slashed your sword downward at him but instead of killing Pentious, an Egg Boi got in the way while Sir Pentious pulls out two tommy guns to shoot.

Sir Pentious: "Have some of this!"

This causes you to jump high enough to send your tendrils at him but only to miss him.

Sir Pentious: "Ha! You missed fool!" He laughs at you. But little did he know, you intended to do that so Pentious can't escape. And like a slingshot launching a weapon, you pull yourself to him with your blade pointing at the target.

Sir Pentious realized your trick and can't escape with your tendrils blocking his way. Thus, you laugh at his soon-to-be demise. That is until like any treacherous snake, he pulls out a rocket launcher and fires it at you, causing a huge explosion. You survived the impact but was in slight pain as you land down to the ground.

Sir Pentious: "Hurts doesn't it? Now it's time for you to---huh?" A bomb was hurled at him causing the villain to be pushed back as you got up, Cherri Bomb and a new face appears. He was left eye was red with black sclera and has several arms.

 He was left eye was red with black sclera and has several arms

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(Y/N): "Uhhh....thanks." You said while getting up as that male demon was seductively held onto real tight as you are about to push him off.

???: "Hey no problem. You help my gal pal, so I help you out. Of course, I can get you help your little friend out too." He said as he resisted as you turn to Cherri.

(Y/N): "Friend of yours?"

Cherri Bomb: "Yeah. His name is Angel Dust, he's a homosexual pornstar."

(Y/N): "Well my name's (Y/N) and Dust, I do not swing that way." You managed to push him off as Sir Pentious appears to them.

Sir Pentious: "Fools like you 3 have no class in war! The side goes to the ones with style!"

Cherri Bomb: "Or the side who ain't dead!"

Angel Dust: "Speaking of style, is that hat of yours alive?"

Sir Pentious: "Oh well--THAT'S none of your damn business now is it?!"

Angel Dust: "Does that make your hat the top and you the bottom?" He asked him in a taunting matter while you and Cherri laugh each others ass off.

Sir Pentious: "Enough! I'm going to blow you to bits!"

Angel Dust: "Oooh~ kinky."

Sir Pentious: "Not like that pervert!" He said as an Egg Boi appears right behind them as you pushed the two away as you get captured by the weapon's sprouted arms. Sir Pentious slithers up to you to gloat.

Sir Pentious: "I don't know who you are, but it doesn't matter! But still what are you trying to do? Be a hero?! There's no such thing in Hell!"

(Y/N): "Good point. But hey the people I killed were no saints! Plus, fucktards like you..." Your tendril maw bite his neck in a choking matter, pulling him closer to you and send some at the egg demon and kill him so you can be free. "Who pushes others around even in this place, gets a motherfuckin' bad time!"


You had your tendril swing him around like a ragdoll then slammed him down the ground only for you to run him through it before kicking Pentious away but reeled him back with a tendril for a punch. You grabbed your sword to slash him.


(Y/N): "What--?!" The sound was was static. Radio static! And you were teleported away from the fight. This did not went unnoticed.

Angel Dust: "What just happened?" He asked Cherri Bomb and her response was an IDK shrug.

(Unknown Location)

You found yourself few blocks away as Alastor appears with that grin on his face.

Alastor: "Hi there (Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "Alastor! Did you pulled me away from there?!"

Alastor: "Yes and I know you were having fun, but I now need your services, my favorite volunteer!"

(Y/N): "And that would be?"

Alastor: "Walk with me and I'll explain on the way."

This should be good.

Hell's Killer (Hazbin Hotel x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now