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3 days after the party, Jeonghan stared at Jisoo who was smiling. "I'm not doing this." He said, staring at the younger who laughed as he pulled his best friend into the store. "It's only this one time." Jisoo said, smiling as he then smiled at the workers who waved at him. "So why are we at a clothing store?" Jeonghan asked, as he noticed how expensive everything seemed.

"I'm having a little small party for my birthday." The younger responded, looking in between shirts as he tried to find something nice for his best friend. "So what did Seokmin give you for christmas?" The older asked, looking at the prices of the shirts. "Nothing, I told him I prefer to receive gifts on my birthday instead." Jisoo told him, laughing as he watched Jeonghan make a face over the prices.

The older sighed as he then looked around, "All of this is too expensive Shua." Jeonghan said, pushing his hair back a little. "You know, I didn't really bring you here to shop...I'm worried about you Hannie." The younger said, turning to face his best friend who was confused, "Things have been happening so fast in your life and you seem so exhausted."

Jeonghan nodded as he then looked around. "I thought I could escape my old life..." He said, smiling sadly as he then looked up from the clothes. "Old life?" Jisoo asked in confusion as he then watched his best friend nod. "I'll tell you another time." Jeonghan said, smiling as he then watched as Jisoo sighed and nod.

"How are you and Seungcheol?" The younger asked, making the older look back up from the clothes and smile. "We're doing good." Jeonghan responded, while Jisoo noticed that his smile didn't reach his eyes. "Is it going too fast?" He asked, watching as the older shrugged and continued to look at the clothes before giving up and looking back at the younger. "Can we go to another store? All of this is out of my budget." He said, watching as his best friend laughed before shaking his head.

"I'm paying and you can't say no...plus you need to at least have one thing so we can leave the store." Jisoo said, smiling softly as he then continued to look for something for himself. "You fucking menace." Jeonghan mumbled as he then looked at the clothes again. A few minutes later after looking through each racket of clothing, Jeonghan has found a nice shirt that seemed to fit his style.

Once the two boys finished finding something for themselves, Jisoo paid for both of them and smiled at the cashier who told them to have a nice day. "So is there anywhere else we should go?" The younger asked, looping is arm around the older's. "Uh...I have no clue." Jeonghan answered, sighing as he then walked around the mall with his best friend.

"Hm...how we just head to my house and watch some movies?" Jisoo asked, watching as his best friend stopped walking while staring at something or more like someone. "Hannie?" The younger called out, before looking to see where he was looking. "Let's go." Jeonghan said, pulling his best friend to continue walking and try to ignore the person he just saw.

"Yo! Yoon Jeonghan!" An unfamiliar voice called out, making the two boys stop walking. "Who's that?" Jisoo asked the older boy who just sighed and turned around to face the other person. "What do you want?" Jeonghan asked, watching as this person came up to the two boys. "Just wanted to say hi, we haven't seen you since you left." The boy said, smiling as he then turned his attention to Jisoo.

"Oh! Hello, I am Kang Insu." The male named Insu introduced himself while smiling. "I'm Joshua Hong." Jisoo said, using his English name instead of giving his Korean name. Jeonghan sighed as he then looked at Insu and back to his friends. "Is that all you wanted to say?" He asked, holding his best friend close to him so that they wouldn't try anything.

Insu looked at Jeonghan and nodded, "That's all, we should catch up next time though." He said, as he then looked back at Jisoo who looked away quickly and took out his phone. "No thanks, I don't want to be associated with you guys and stop staring at my best friend, he's taken." Jeonghan bluntly said, turning his heel and walking off with Jisoo.

Once they made it out the mall, Jeonghan looked at Jisoo who stared back at him. "Let's go back to your house." He told the younger who nodded while taking out his keys and unlocked his car.

Jeonghan huffed as he held the pillow close to his chest while watching the movie that Jisoo randomly played. "Are you okay?" The younger asked, looking at the older who just shrugged. "You know, sometimes I wish you would answer instead of shrugging your shoulders." He said, pouting as he then turned his head back to the movie they were watching.

"I don't know what else to say." Jeonghan responded, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. "Who was that guy?" The younger asked again, sitting closer to his best friend who groaned. "Some fucker I use to date." The older mumbled, moving bus head to look at the other who seemed surprised, "Okay then..." Jisoo mumbled, looking back at the tv.

Jeonghan chuckled a little before closing his eyes as he just didn't want to think about this anymore. "Can I be honest with you?" He asked, opening his eye and seeing as Jisoo turned to look at him and nodded. "Everything is going too fast...been here for a few weeks and I'm already dating Seungcheol." The older said, shifting the pillow that was on his lap.

"Hell...I haven't been here long and look at me. I'm a fucking mess..." Jeonghan chuckled softly as he then noticed the frown that the younger had. "A mess?" Jisoo asked, tilting his head as he then watched as his best friend nodded. "My mom, Jieun...the whole fucking school." The older told him, biting his lip to not get angry about the last few weeks.

"The pain I'm going through...it hurts like hell, holding it and not knowing who I can tell." Jeonghan mumbled, before feeling a hand on his own hand. "You don't have to hold that pain in anymore, you have me and the others..." Jisoo told him, holding his hand while smiling softly. "You also have an amazing boyfriend who will do anything for you." He said to his best friend who was holding in his tears.

Jeonghan blinked back his tears as he then watched as his best get up and grab something. "You know...my mom always kept our bracelets from when we were younger, even after your mom destroyed yours." The younger said, sitting back down on the couch and showing a familiar bracelet that he use to wear when they were younger. "She fixed it?" Jeonghan asked, carefully taking the bracelet that had a small angel, deer, and cherry on it.

Jisoo nodded as he then showed his which has a deer along with an angel and a cherry. "Cheol has his but he hasn't worn it for a while now." He told the older who smiled softly at the bracelet. "But do you remember the promise we made when we got these?" Jisoo asked, watching as Jeonghan shook his head. "No matter the issues we are going through, we will always be here for one another."

And with those words, Jeonghan let the tears fall down his cheeks. Jisoo laughed a little as he then hugged his best friend. "We'll always be here for you no matter what." He mumbled to the older who hit his chest, "Stop trying to make me cry, you fucker." Jeonghan said, making the younger laugh.

Jeonghan sighed as he waited for his boyfriend, "Sorry I took long." Seungcheol said, coming up to the younger who smiled softly. "It's alright." He told the older who smiled back. "So what did you want to talk about?" Seungcheol asked, wrapping his arms around Jeonghan's waist.

"Nothing much, just realizing I haven't been very honest with myself or with you." Jeonghan mumbled, leaning into his boyfriend's chest. "You're not going to breakup with me...are you?" The older asked, laughing a little as he felt a hand smack his chest. "No stupid." Jeonghan said, rolling his eyes as he shivered a little.

Seungcheol noticed and immediately let go of his boyfriend to give him his jacket. "We need to get you a thicker jacket." He told him, wrapping his jacket around the younger. "Too much money to waste." Jeonghan mumbled, pouting a little as he looked at his boyfriend who shook his head. "We are getting you thicker jackets." Seungcheol said, leaning his forehead against his boyfriend's.

"Fine." Jeonghan said, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's neck. "Do you think we're moving too fast?" The younger asked, looking at his boyfriend who shook his head. "Love doesn't have time, even if you meet someone at a weird moment, date, need to take a break, and then date again." Seungcheol said, smiling as he heard the younger giggle at his explanation.

"So no, I don't think we're going too fast." He said, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Good." Jeonghan said, pressing a kiss onto his lips.

I'm back...slowly but surely and I have no clue how this chapter went :| not my best moments atm

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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