The Pool

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 Dixie's POV
Cam decided that we would go to the pool After we eat lunch. He said it is only a few blocks away from where we lived.
  It was already 11:45.
"Knock Knock"
"I'll get it." I shouted loud enough to where my mom could hear.

"Hey, Cam." I had said to him with excitement and enthusiasm

"Hey, Dix."

"Ready to go swim?"

"Yeah, do you have your swimsuit?"

"Sure do, it is under my clothes."

We get ready to walk out of the door before I stop him and ask if maybe we need our towels.

"We should probably take one just in case they don't have any, or if they run out."

I nodded and went to my bathroom upstairs and grabbed 2 beach towels. 1 for me, 1 for him. As I reach the last step, I tell him that he can have this one.

"We have several beach towels, losing one isn't gonna hurt."

We walk a block or so before we start talking again.

"So how do you plan on getting to school on Monday? Bus?"

"Umm, actually, I was going to ask my mom if she would drive me, to maybe save some embarrassment, but I highly doubt she would do that for me.

"If you want, maybe I could take you in my Silverado."

"Would you? Really? You don't have to if you don't want to, but that would be so helpful!"

"Well then, Monday morning, it's a date."

I felt my cheeks burn and I knew that they were as red as a lobster. I looked over and seen his face blushing just as bad. He knew after he had said it, that it was the wrong thing to say.

I just pulled a smile on and nodded.

I could see the pool from where we were. It was HUGE. It was bigger than the one back in Nashville. Although it was big, there still seemed to be more people than the pool could really hold. In other words, it was packed.

"So, once we pay, and drop our stuff down, do you want to go to the "Big Dipper"(A VERY steep waterslide.)?"

"Defiantly! That looks like the best thing here!" I said

After we set our stuff down, we went to the "Big Dipper" like we planned. It seemed like the closer you got to it, the steeper it became.

The line was extremely long, and we had to wait at least an 1 hour and 30 minutes.

When we reached the top, and it was our turn, I thought in my head, that the time would never come, but it did.

After I rode that monster, I suddenly realized, that it was so worth every second of the wait, and I know people say that it was only 30 seconds, but it was like 30 seconds in heaven.

We swam in the regular pool for about an hour then called it a day.

When I walked out of the changing room, Cam was waiting out on the grass for me.

"I had a lot of fun today! Thanks for bringing me along." I said.

"Me too, and you are always welcome to come with me!" He said

We walked home in silence then said our goodbyes as we split our different ways.

"Remember Monday." He called out

"I'll remember, Cam."

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