The Ride

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Dixie's POV
Cam and I started walking out to the Truck. I loved it. It was a a 06 jacked up Chevy Silverado.

I got in and set my bag in the floorboard.

Things were awkward at first, then he started talking.

"Do you want to maybe get some Starbucks before we go to school? We have some time to spare." He said convincingly .

"Oh gosh, that would be great. I'm not sure my first day would be good without any caffeine to keep me awake." I sorta coughed out.

He chuckled.

We turned the corner to W Onpher st. and we caught a glimpse of the Starbucks sign. Cam pulled into the parking lot and went straight to the drive through.

"Welcome to Starbucks, how may I help you?" The lady over the intercom said with a voice that sounded dead of enthusiasm.

"Yeah, I need a large French vanilla coffee and........What do you want, Dix?"

"Medium Carmel frap." I said as I scrolled through my phone, then stopped to look up.

"A Medium Carmel Frap."

A different voice came over the intercom. "I'm sorry, Could you repeat the whole order please?"

I could tell that it irritated Cam. "A large French Vanilla coffee, and a Medium Carmel frap." He said with a bit of an attitude.

"Okay, your total comes up to $11.56. Thank you for shopping at Starbucks."

Cam didn't say anything, he just pulled up to the next window.

"$11.56 please, sir." A woman with blonde hair, and big red lips said.

Cam pulled out his wallet and got a $10, a $1, and he searched around in the ash tray for the exact amount of change. He hands the money to the lady, and she tells him to pull up to the next window and have a nice day.

The window opens and a man with ginger hair was standing there.

"How are you guys today?" He asked as he handed us our coffee's in a drink holder.

"We're good. How bout yourself?" Cam said

"Not to bad,you folks have a nice day." Ginger boy said

"You too." Cam said as he slowly pulled off and came to a halt.

He handed me my Frap.

"Thanks Cam. I'll pay you back after school."

"Nah, it's okay. You can get me a bagel one day or something." He said as he pulled in the school parking lot, that was huge, both the school and the parking lot.

I laughed and got out of the truck as he parked. I reached back in to grab my bag and frap.

"Here we are. What do you think?" Can asked as he came over to the passenger side of the truck so we could walk into school together.

"Well, it defiantly is bigger than my last school in Tennessee."

"Don't let it overwhelm you. Just be yourself." He said as we walked through the parking lot.

I didn't say anything. I reached the steps to get to the front door, and stopped. Cam looked at me.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, it's just so big!" I said a little overwhelmed, but I kept on walking. Step by step. Stair by stair.

"This is it." I whispered to myself.

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